Grassley Direct

On my weekly call wit farm broadcasters, I spoke about the Renewable Fuel Standard and USMCA.


Q. What is the REAL ID Act of 2005 and why did Congress pass it?
Q. When is the deadline for air travelers to have a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license?

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President Trump recently announced an update on biofuels and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). This plan will fix EPA’s exemption process and help farmers and biofuels producers going forward. This has been a long discussion between the Administration, fellow members of Congress and representatives of the biofuels and oil industries. It’s an issue I heard about frequently at my annual 99 county meetings. President Trump has made clear that he is an ally of corn and soybean farmers as well as ethanol and biodiesel producers. He is fighting for the farmer. This announcement is great news for Iowa, the Midwest and the entire country.

This week, I joined some of my colleagues in releasing a report from the Government Accountability Office showing that the Department of Education can do more to support students in foster care. Federal law states that when children are brought into foster care or change placements, the state must ensure they remain in the school in which they are enrolled at the time of each placement so long as it's in the child’s best interest. The report recommends that the Department of Education take commonsense steps to provide states with the information and resources they need to ensure a stable education for students in foster care. All children deserve our support during their academic careers. Helping our kids in foster care to stay in the same school when possible is something we can and must do.

As part of my ongoing oversight work, I sent a letter to Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid seeking information on what their agencies are doing to detect and deter fraudulent genetic screening tests and protect beneficiaries from identity theft. The Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General recently issued a Fraud Alert for genetic testing scams. These scammers are allegedly using public events, door-to-door visits, and telemarketing to scam beneficiaries and defraud the taxpayer. 

Post of the Week


More than 12k signatures from AARP supporting lowering the price of prescription drugs & thousands of personal stories shared at the Iowa State Fair. It’s clear that Iowans want action. The Grassley-Wyden Rx bill is ready to move to deliver lower drug prices for America’s seniors.

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