From Congressman Paul Gosar <[email protected]>
Subject URGENT: Democrats are moving to pack the Supreme Court...
Date May 2, 2021 6:00 PM
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Fellow Patriot

The Democrats lost three Supreme Court seats during President Trump’s term -- so now they want to change the rules of the game.

Their plan is to add FOUR more Supreme Court Justices… and they’re moving quickly on that plan.

Far-left Democrats like Rep. Jerry Nadler are lying to the American people to try to make it sound like it’s not the naked partisan power move it is.

They said Donald Trump packed the court, and now they have to “unpack it.”

This is madness, fellow Patriot, and I’m in desperate need of your support today to help me fight back against this radical leftist power play ([link removed]) .

They’ll stop at nothing to achieve total control and power, and we must stop them before they transform America to an unrecognizable place ([link removed]) .

The gross, egregious lies these Communist Democrats are telling Americans -- that Donald Trump “stole two seats on the Supreme Court” -- should be illegal.

President Trump legally appointed three Justices, per the Constitution of the United States.

But that’s how far these dirty Communists will go to achieve power.

They don’t care if they have to lie, cheat and steal. They’ll do it if it means more power for them.

We are dealing with an evil enemy, and I’m in the trenches battling these grotesque creatures every day -- which is why I’m pleading for backup today ([link removed]) .

Show me you have my back by contributing to my reelection campaign as I work harder than ever from total Democrat control ([link removed]) .

There’s only one reason why the Communist left needs to add seats to the Supreme Court, which hasn’t been done in centuries.

It’s because they want to pack it with liberal justices who will interpret our Constitution to benefit them politically.

I’ve been in D.C. for a while now, and I’ve seen many vile leftist tricks and power plays: this is the worst I’ve ever seen.

So please don’t wait -- chip into my reelection campaign during this crucial time while the Communist Democrats attack our Constitution and our country from all angles ([link removed]) .

Democrats want the absolute right to kill babies in the womb, which the Supreme Court could terminate.

Democrats are already eroding your Second Amendment with unconstitutional “waiting period” bills like HR 1446, which the Supreme Court could strike down.

Democrats want men to play women’s sports, which the Supreme Court could also halt.

But packing the Supreme Court means it won’t be an obstacle to their far-left agenda, because they will pack it with their political allies.

This is a dire situation, and I need your support now more than ever so I can try to stop these un-American Communists from achieving total domination ([link removed]) .

Chip in $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford up to the federal maximum of $2800 right away, and show me that you want to be on the right side of history ([link removed]) .

Thank you in advance for standing with me to uphold the Constitution in the face of evil.

For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District


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