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In This Newsletter
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, all of the general wildlife and butterfly/dragonfly surveys in this series are suspended until further notice. While chances of transmission may seem slight for outdoor programs like this, it is only prudent to avoid any undue risks until data indicate it is safe to proceed. I will be giving as much notice as possible regarding resumption of the survey schedule.
In the meantime, any findings you may have from your individual outings in the survey circle would be appreciated. Take very good care of yourselves. Looking forward to seeing you all in the not too distant future.
Jim Waggener
Observations from Meadowood
Judy Gallagher
Here is one of our smaller butterflies, the Eastern Tailed-blue, dining on horse poop at Meadowood. This behavior is called puddling, and it's done because butterflies' more common food, nectar from flowers, doesn't contain all the nutrients they need. Butterflies can be seen sucking up nitrogen and sodium rich fluids from soil, poop and sometimes even carrion. And in case you're wondering why this grayish-white butterfly is called a "blue” – when it opens its wings you can see the startlingly blue wing uppersides.
Predators know that butterflies like poop. This tiny Jumping Spider blends in quite well against the poop and would love to make a meal of the much larger Eastern Tailed-blue. Jumping Spiders have eight eyes. The big eye pair picks up color and detail. The foremost smaller set of eyes picks up motion, the rearmost set of eyes allows the spider to see what's behind it, and scientists still don't know the function of the other eye pair. All in all, Jumping Spiders have excellent vision and are impressive predators. This spider did not catch the butterfly while I was watching though.
Seeking Volunteers Who Speak Vietnamese, Korean or Tagalog
We are seeking volunteers to translate during occasional bird walks or other nature events for senior citizens who speak these languages and are less comfortable using English. These events would take place in the Seven Corners area of Fairfax County in Northern Virginia. No knowledge of bird or nature topics necessary, although certainly a plus! Please contact Joan Haffey.
President's Corner May 2021
Tom Blackburn, ASNV President
Recently I spent three hours in Riverbend Park, stationed with a good view of the Bald Eagle nest across the river. I talked to visitors about eagles while they watched the adult and young birds through a telescope. The visitors peppered me with questions about the eagles, leading to discussions about birds in general and environmental issues such as pesticide use, habitat loss and climate change. I was struck by the power of charismatic species such as Bald Eagles to motivate people to become more engaged in protecting birds and the environment.
Bald Eagles are one of the best examples of our ability to protect threatened species. A recent article on Bald Eagle populations by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology reports that in 1963 active Bald Eagle nests reached an all-time low of 417 in the lower 48 states. Pesticides, loss of habitat and illegal shooting were principal causes of the population decline. In 2020, the number of active nests rose to an astonishing 71,467, resulting from an average annual population growth of about 9% per year, compounded for 57 years. This dramatic rebound in the eagle population is largely due to the banning of pesticides such as DDT; the creation of eagle-friendly habitats such as the Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge in southern Fairfax County; protection under the Endangered Species Act; and public education.
The successful restoration of the Bald Eagle population is in stark contrast to the experience of most bird species. Science Magazine’s Decline of the North American Avifauna documented the appalling loss of 2.9 billion birds – nearly one quarter of the population – in the last 50 years. The current population of 316,000 Bald Eagles is minuscule compared to the loss of 58 million birds each year for the last half-century.
Bird species that are less prominent and popular than Bald Eagles face similar survival challenges. While DDT has been banned, neonicotinoids and other insecticides have devastating impacts on birds by killing them when they eat the insects or depleting food sources critical to their survival. Habitat loss is a particularly acute problem for migrating birds, which depend on habitat in their summer and winter grounds and along the flyways between the two. Climate change is also a problem. The National Audubon Society warns in Survival by Degrees that 2/3 of North American bird species are threatened with extinction due to global warming.
Today’s challenge is to repeat the success story of the Bald Eagle by raising public awareness of the fragile state of our endangered birds and wildlife. Their survival – and ultimately our own species’ survival – depend on it.
Calling all Birders: It’s time to get ready for Birdathon 2021!
How does it work? Like a walk-a-thon, Birdathon participants collect pledges from friends and family via our website. Then participants record how many species they can identify during any 24-hour period between April 16 and May 16. The more species they identify, the more funds they raise!
Birdathon helps ASNV continue to support outdoor education, citizen science and habitat conservation, and encourage people to plant native plants and foster native wildlife. Birdathon also helps ornithologists better understand spring migration by reporting sightings through eBird, an online database of bird observations run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
All birding levels are welcome. Participants can bird alone or form teams of up to five. All team members donate and/or secure pledges. Participants solicit general donations or ask for pledges based on the number of species or the number of individual birds sighted. Sightings and donations are due no later than June 3, 2021. Report your Birdathon sightings on eBird and email your list to [email protected].
Ready to get started? Register your team here and check out our Birdathon rules here. Now go out and have a great day birding!
All participants and their supporters are invited to join us via Zoom on Sunday, June 6 at 2:30 PM for our Annual Meeting, where we’ll announce the winners of the “Most Species Counted,” “Most Money Raised” and “Youth Birder” competitions. Our speaker that day will be Dr. David Luther of George Mason University, who will speak about the impact of noise on bird song.
Classes, Workshops and Events
Art, Wonder and the Natural World with Jane Kim
Join us as we welcome Jane Kim, artist, science illustrator, and the founder of Ink Dwell, a studio that explores the wonders of
Classes, Workshops and Events (continued)
the natural world. In this visually stunning presentation, Jane will take the audience on an artistic journey that explores the 375 million-year evolution of birds, the migratory behaviors of some of our most beloved and endangered animals and the importance of creating urban monuments to nature.
This is a joint venture with the Oak Spring Garden Foundation.
When: Thursday, May 6, 7:00 PM EST
Where: Virtual
Fee: $10
Limit: 500
LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/art-wonder-and-the-natural-world-with-jane-kim-tickets-147284709531
Birding by Ear with Dr. Chris Haney
Have you ever wondered what that song or ‘chip’ note was that you heard on a forest hike? Can’t tell the difference between a spring peeper and a wood warbler? How does one learn to memorize the complex and endless variety of bird songs? This workshop is designed for you. If you are a relative beginner and want to start building a repertoire of learned bird songs and calls, this is the place. Birding by Ear will help you phoneticize a variety of bird calls using mnemonic devices, understand the basic function and purpose of avian vocalizations, organize a library of calls and songs having similar characteristics and improve your field birding skills.
When: Thursday, May 13, Tuesday, May 18 & Thursday, May 20; 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Field Trip: Saturday, May 22 (Limit 20)
Where: TBD
Fee: $75/Online only; $100/Online + Field Trip
LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/birding-by-ear-hybrid-workshop-with-dr-chris-haney-tickets-147285094683
Campfire Chat with Dr. Tom Wood
Join us around the Campfire as we welcome summer and Brood X cicadas! We’ll transition away from the fireplace and gather around our virtual campfire for the next lively chat with Tom and friends. Bring your own s’mores!
When: Wednesday, May 26, 7:00 to 8:00 PM
Where: Online
Fee: FREE!
LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/campfire-chat-with-dr-tom-wood-tickets-151731857069
Audubon Afternoon: How Birds Adapt their Songs to Urban Noise and What We've Learned during the Pandemic with Dr. David Luther
Join us for our Annual Meeting and Audubon Afternoon!
Audubon Society of Northern Virginia will hold its annual membership meeting virtually, on Sunday, June 6 from 3:00 to 3:15 PM. The membership will vote on incoming Directors and new terms for Officers.
At 3:15 PM, we will welcome Dr. David Luther to our Audubon Afternoon. Urban environments are among the most highly modified habitats on the planet. David’s research has focused on how human activity has modified habitats and altered ecological processes around the world. Acoustic communication is a critical component of reproductive success in many species. His lab at George Mason University studies how human noise affects the behavior and survival of a diversity of bird species.
When: Sunday, June 6, 3:00 PM
Where: Virtual
LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/audubon-afternoon-and-annual-meeting-tickets-147285329385
Piedmont Ecology with Oak Spring Garden Foundation
Summer Session
The Northern Piedmont rests at the base of ancient mountains, defining the landscape before coastal region and the sea. It is a beautiful, conserved landscape that has endured many changes over time. Join us to learn about the fascinating geology and ecology that defines this region, its important contribution to the Chesapeake Bay and the wisdom of its preservation.
The Oak Spring Garden Foundation (OGSF) is a philanthropic foundation based at the former primary estate of the late Paul and Rachel (“Bunny”) Lambert Mellon. Led by Sir Peter Crane, OSGF is dedicated to inspiring and facilitating scholarship and public dialogue on the history and future of plants, including the culture of gardens and landscapes and the importance of plants for human well-being through access to the Mellon’s residence, garden, estate and the Oak Spring Garden Library.
When: Tuesday, June 15 & Thursday, June 17; 7:00 to 8:00 PM (Online via Zoom)
Field Trip: June 19, 7:30 to 11:00 AM Upperville, VA
Fee: $25/ Online only; $125/ Online + Field Trip
Limit: 200/ Online; 30/ Online + Field Trip
LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/piedmont-ecology-with-oak-spring-garden-foundation-summer-session-tickets-151712426953
Apply Soon for a Native Gardening Grant!
There is still time to apply for a native gardening grant. The deadline is May 31, 2021. Audubon at Home Program, in partnership with the Plant NOVA Natives campaign, has been awarded a grant of $15,000 from the Environmental Education and Stewardship Grants Program of the Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation to demonstrate the concept that native plants, so critical to wildlife habitat, can fit nicely into a conventional suburban aesthetic, including formal or semi-formal settings. Read more here.
Bird Walks are Back!
Because the number of attendees at walks is very limited to allow social distancing whenever possible, these walks are intended for inexperienced birders. You must wear a mask for situations where distancing on trails or from other walkers may not be possible. Registration at https://www.audubonva.org/calendar is required. Once you have registered, the leader will tell you where to meet.
If you cannot attend a walk for which you are registered, PLEASE cancel as soon as possible and notify the leader by email. If cancellations are at least 3 days in advance, we can fill the spot from the waiting list.
Southern Fairfax County
Wednesday, May 12, 8:15 to 11:00 AM
Leader is Dixie Sommers. [email protected]
Central Fairfax County
Sunday, May 16, 8:00 to 11:00 AM
Leader is Robin Duska. [email protected]
Reston area
Sunday, June 13, 7:30 to 10:30 AM
Leader is Robin Duska. [email protected]
Central Fairfax County BUTTERFLY WALK
Sunday, July 18, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Leader is Mary Alexander. [email protected]
Small Park Entrance Fee Required
NOVA Regional Parks and Arlington NAACP sponsor Black and Latinx Bird and Nature Walks at Upton Hill Park
The walks are also supported by ASNV in collaboration with Arlington Master Naturalists. Walks take place on three Saturday mornings: April 24, May 8 and June 5.
Registration is limited to 15,
so sign up early at https://apm.activecommunities.com/novaparks/Home for more information.
Why I Bird:
A Teenager’s Confession
Annaliese Meistrich
The winding trail led to a grassy clearing where my environmental science teacher paused, giving us a moment to take in the open landscape. He then proceeded to describe the hidden intricacies of this peaceful meadow: a few Song Sparrows that produced a lovely tune, the fluttering Tree Swallows swooping above our heads and the far-off cry of a Red-shouldered Hawk. The seemingly simple view in front of me suddenly teemed with life, illuminated by my teacher’s vibrant narrative.
Through this class, it didn’t take long for me to become hooked on birding. Soon after the class began, I was spending hours along a trail, trying to identify every last bird I caught a glimpse of. Who knew that taking environmental science would lead me down this eventful path?
As I delved into the world of birding, I realized that I knew very few teen birders. Most of my fellow birdwatchers were adults, whose company I valued, but I couldn’t help but wonder if there were any other students like myself who had a not-yet-discovered passion for birding. It seemed likely that there were students currently sitting in classes who were looking for a sense of outside fulfillment that could very well be satisfied by bird-watching. There is something so captivating about watching birds – their incredible abundance and diversity adds to one’s love of nature. It truly is a great way to get outdoors and foster a meaningful connection with the environment around you. Because birds are literally everywhere, becoming a birder will open your eyes and force you to be an observer, constantly picking up clues as to their behavior and habitat.
Life as a biology student consists mostly of staring at photos of wildlife in class but why not head out onto the local trails and find it yourself? After being stuck behind a desk all day, it is rewarding to hit the trails and bring some serenity into your mind. You may find yourself more engaged in those science classes after seeing how it all fits into the bigger picture. There is also a physical aspect to it: whether you are running around chasing that far-off hawk, or wandering around a field, you are getting those steps in! Birding is great exercise and has a positive impact on your overall health.
As young kids in middle or high school, we are drawn to social gatherings, because – let’s face it – doing things with your friends is fun! Birding is a great way to make new friends and connect with students you might not otherwise meet. Get a group of your friends together and go on a hike, documenting all the things you see. From birds to butterflies, or even wildflowers, you can have amazing experiences together. I particularly enjoy heading out with
some of my fellow young birders and keeping track of the rare bird alerts for our area! It is challenging and fun to find these rarities with a group.
For me, the passion for birding continued beyond the trails and into activism. When I reached out to Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, I would never have guessed that it would have blossomed into an intern position. I hope to share my love of birding with other teens by continuing my efforts for more teen involvement. Currently, I have given presentations to youth groups such as the Cub Scouts and I am seeking any opportunity to offer more programs. I am also working to increase birding opportunities in the environmental science curriculum of Loudoun County Public Schools and connect with other school birding clubs. I am very enthusiastic about the future of this internship and I cannot wait to see where ASNV takes it.
The Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel Seabird Breeding Colony
Think back to last year’s drama and suspense surrounding the push to provide seabirds alternate nesting habitat after the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion project took a long-time colony’s island nesting ground. The Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) provided substitute habitat combining barges and a sandy “beach” on Ft. Wool. DWR reported on the successful effort in the Virginia Wildlife magazine (If You Build It, They Will Come).
The seabird habitat is a continuing project for DWR. Because of high public interest, DWR in March started publishing a monthly blog post to report on this year’s activities (March Watchable Wildlife blog). You can subscribe here by providing your email address and signing up for Wildlife Updates.
The March article reported on DWR’s activities during the winter to maintain the sandy nesting habitat on Ft. Wool and prepare barriers to be installed over doorways and window openings to prevent birds (either flightless fledglings or nesting nuisance birds) from entering buildings on the site. DWR also reported that instead of last year’s seven barges it will deploy only four, but they are larger and provide 10,000 more square feet of habitat than last year’s installation.
DWR plans to issue a new article every third Thursday of the month, although April’s edition was delayed until April 22. The April article, "A Tale of Two Islands," explains how DWR has worked to attract birds to Rip Raps Island (Ft. Wool) while discouraging birds from trying to nest on South Island, the former nesting ground. In addition to building a suitable sandy beach habitat on Rip Raps Island, DWR is installing decoys to attract seabirds, as well as broadcasting nesting colony sounds through a solar-powered sound system. To prevent birds from trying to nest on South Island, which is now entirely paved, DWR has deployed trained Border Collies and their handlers to chase off birds investigating South Island. Border Collies are ideal for the job because their instinct is not to “mouth” the birds but rather to herd them. They approach in a predator-like crouch and frighten the birds off.
ASNV makes no promises but we’re hoping that DWR’s next blog post will tell us more about the barges that were scheduled to be installed in late March to provide extra habitat.
Bird of the Month: Purple Martins
Purple Martins Thrive in Northern Virginia
with a Little Help from Their Neighbors
Jessica Bigger
Mike Bishop grew up on a beautiful large piece of property in Spotsylvania, Virginia. During his childhood, Bishop and his father would put up nest houses for bluebirds and monitor the nests each year. After successfully attracting bluebirds to his family’s land, Bishop decided to put up a Purple Martin (Progne subis) house to see what would happen. After a year or two several Purple Martins had taken up residence. “We got three colonies,” said Bishop.
Today, Bishop and a group of volunteers monitor around 22 Purple Martin houses throughout Northern Virginia. After retiring, Bishop decided to get back into building special nest boxes for Purple Martins that reduce infestation by starlings and sparrows; an improved design from J.L. Wade’s aluminum version, which was quite prone to starling and sparrow infestation.
He built his first Purple Martin nest box in one of Westfield High School’s athletic fields. It took three years to attract Purple Martins to that location but now Westfield High School has three established colonies. Bishop founded the Northern Virginia Purple Martin Initiative in 2015 to increase and strengthen the Purple Martin population in the area. The organization not only builds and monitors nest boxes for Purple Martins, but volunteers also build houses for other cavity-nesting species, including woodpeckers, Chimney Swifts, Great Crested Flycatchers, the Tufted Titmouse, chickadees, wrens, Eastern Bluebirds and Tree Swallows.
Because of Bishop and many other bird advocates across the country, the Purple Martin’s population is stable and of low conservation concern. Purple Martins nest in open fields, usually near a water source. Since most of their habitat provides little nesting opportunity, this species has always depended on human assistance. People have been providing homes for Purple Martins for centuries, beginning with Native Americans, who used to build nest cavities out of gourds. They created a symbiotic relationship with the birds. In exchange for providing nesting habitat for the Purple Martins, the birds would warn the Native Americans of owls and hawks hunting nearby.
Purple Martins not only warn residents about birds of prey, they also keep the insect population at bay, which protects their gardens and makes relaxing outside a bit more enjoyable.
Purple Martins are social species. They love hanging out near people, and enjoy visiting other colonies nearby. Reston National Golf Course has a nest box near Links Pond that houses one colony of five birds. Reston resident and Fairfax County Coordinator for the Virginia Bluebird Society's nest box monitoring program, Helaine Krob, lives on the golf course and monitors the nests. “Yesterday, we saw 12 of them up in the air flying around together. Swooping and chatting and calling. So, there is a visiting colony and after they hang out, they head home. Our colony visits another colony in the evening, and around 8:30 pm they will all return to the apt house,” explained Krob.
There are a variety of insects Purple Martins will forage for: beetles, flies, dragonflies, damselflies, leafhoppers, grasshoppers, crickets, butterflies, moths, wasps, bees, caddisflies, spiders, cicadas, termites and mayflies. They will also hunt for insects at a much higher altitude than swallows. To help them digest the insect exoskeletons, Purple Martins will eat small amounts of gravel. Some nest watchers leave crushed eggshells, which also aids in digestion.
In Northern Virginia, Purple Martins generally arrive at the end of March. Each pair raises one brood per breeding season. Last year the Reston National Golf Course Colony raised three young. At the end of August, they make the 3,000-mile journey down to the Amazon Basin in South America to overwinter, and then make the 3,000-mile trip back to North America the following breeding season.
If you want to get involved in citizen science visit the Northern Virginia Purple Martin Initiative Facebook Page or the Purple Martin Conservation Association.
ASNV Resumes the Northern Virginia Bird Survey with New Coordinator
Remember the Northern Virginia Bird Survey (NVBS), ASNV’s long-running survey of breeding birds in our region? We are busy getting ready for the 2021 survey, after cancelling last year’s data collection because of the pandemic.
We are very happy to have Elizabeth Krone as the NVBS coordinator. You may remember Elizabeth from her assistance on this year’s Winter Waterfowl Count. She brings to the NVBS experience as a field biologist in Hawai’i on the endangered Palila, as well as work in our region on Bald Eagle and other avian monitoring projects, and in wetlands and wildlife habitat. Elizabeth has a master’s degree in environmental and resource policy from the George Washington University, and a biology degree from Towson University.
To prepare for the 2021 survey, which will take place in June, we are contacting volunteers from prior surveys, recruiting additional volunteers as needed, organizing and distributing the survey materials and training our volunteers. If you are an experienced birder and want to help, watch for announcements on our website and social media, or contact Elizabeth at [email protected].
The NVBS started in 1994 and provides information on trends for breeding birds in our area. Many of these species have declined over the last 25 years, although some have fared well and others have recovered from population crashes, such as Bald Eagles and American Crows. Continuing to document these birds helps us understand the state of the birds in Northern Virginia and informs decisions about habitat protection.
Sanctuary Species
The Audubon at Home program helps homeowners create wildlife habitat in their own yards, with the aim of attracting and supporting beneficial species who breed and live in our area. We call these species Sanctuary Species. If a yard attracts 10 Sanctuary Species who nest, breed, forage, shelter, or use the yard in any way, then it’s a Wildlife Sanctuary—our motto is, “Let the animals decide.”
One such Sanctuary Species is the Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) that common, cheery visitor to backyard bird feeders. Chickadees are year-round residents and this small bird must contend with cold and potential heat loss. About half survive the winter. Homeowners can do plenty to bring chickadees to their yards and help them survive by providing a bird feeder. Hang feeders a short distance (maybe 6 to 10 feet) from trees and shrubs so birds can quickly seek cover when predators like hawks appear. Birds also need to be able to spot predators approaching on the ground, such as outdoor cats. Chickadees are cavity-nester; they can excavate nests with their little bill, although they’re not as good at it as woodpeckers. So, preserve trees (dead or alive) with cavities to provide roosting and nesting sites. Chickadees will use nest boxes, too.
More than anything, though, chickadees need a yard full of native plants. How can that be? What do chickadees have to do with native plants?
Well, native plants are required to support native insects such as caterpillars, which chickadees depend on for over half their diet. Caterpillars and other insects are especially critical when chickadees are raising young. Because the nestlings need protein to grow, they eat a diet almost exclusively of insects. Most native insects, such as caterpillars, are specialists: they eat only the host plants with which they co-evolved. Without native plants, there are fewer native insects, and without insects, birds cannot thrive, no matter how many bird feeders are available to them.
An ingenious study conducted by Douglas Tallamy and his colleagues in yards right here in the DC area confirms the effect. Scientists measured the amount of native plant material in each yard, then they observed whether chickadees nested in it and how successful their nesting efforts were. They found that yards in which less than 70% of the plant material (trees, shrubs) was native could not support insects and did not sustain chickadee families. Chickadees were less likely to nest in such yards and those that did had less reproductive success. Yards with less than 70% native plants were “food deserts” lacking sufficient caterpillars to feed nestlings, leading to declines in chickadee populations. You can read the study here.
Fill your yard with native trees and shrubs and you will attract more chickadees (as well as other wildlife) and the birds will fledge more young.
There are 42 Audubon at Home Sanctuary Species including birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and mammals, listed here. Click on the thumbnail picture to learn more about them and their habitat needs.
And, if you’re a photographer who enjoys photographing wildlife, please consider submitting your photos of any of the Sanctuary Species. We are updating our website, and need more and better photos of them in their natural habitats. Send your photos to [email protected] with Sanctuary Species Photographs in the subject line. We credit all photos that we use.
Monday Nature Mystery
We are pleased to announce the winner of our April 19th Monday Nature Mystery, Tess Bertonneau Winters!
Tess correctly identified a March fly (Bibio femoratus). Another common name is lovebug. There are 32 species in this genus in North America. Three of the species occurs in the fall and the flight time for the others occur in the spring.
Each Monday we’ll post a new mystery and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag. Here is the April 26th mystery. Do you know who sings this song? Post your guess on our Facebook page (@AudubonVA) under Monday Nature Mystery.
Good luck!
Please note that all entries are date and time-stamped. We review each correct answer to see who commented first. If someone 'likes' your comment, it would move it up on the list, making it look like the first post. Winners are limited to one prize every 90 days.