hey team - we're reaching out once more
Future Forum PAC is a coalition of young democratic members of Congress focused on issues and opportunities for the next generation. But, if you no longer wish to hear from us, you can unsubscribe.



Hey team: 

With just a few hours to go, we’re only FIVE donations away from hitting our 100 individual contribution goal for our Frontline Defense Fund! Every dollar of this fund will go towards defending the seats of members like Haley Stevens, Angie Craig, Eric Swalwell, and others who Republicans are gunning to unseat in 2022. With news that the GOP is set to gain 3 seats from the new Census reapportionment, every Democratic-controlled House seat we have matters that much more. This is your last chance to help us hit our goal before the deadline. Go here to see a list of our 2022 Frontliners and then chip in $5 to defend their seats before midnight tonight:  https://secure.actblue.com/donate/FFPACUS-ALL-Email-April2021-FR-EOM

Thank you for your support,




























Future Forum PAC is a coalition of young democratic members of Congress focused on issues and opportunities for the next generation. Will you help protect and expand our coalition in Congress by making a contribution today?

This email was sent to [email protected] because Future Forum PAC needs your help supporting the next generation of leaders. But, if you no longer wish to hear from us, you can unsubscribe here.

Future Forum PAC
PO Box 83142
Gaithersburg, MD 20883-3142
United States

Paid For By The Future Forum Political Action Committee And Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee. Contributions To The Future Forum Political Action Committee Are Not Deductible For Federal Tax Purposes.