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April 30, 2021
Media Contact: Matt Langston

ICYMI: TXGOP Condemns Slanderous Voicemail About Congressional Candidate Susan Wright

Arlington, TX — The Republican Party of Texas, which previously endorsed Susan Wright for Congress (TX-06), today issued a statement condemning the slanderous voicemail about Susan Wright:

"Today’s abhorrent attack on Susan Wright and her family is just one more reason why people in America today are turned off by politics. The Republican Party of Texas condemns this in the strongest possible way. We are praying for Susan and her family, and that the people responsible for this attack are brought to justice. The TXGOP will never tolerate behavior like this and stands diametrically opposed to the spread of slanderous fake news. All parties responsible for this action must be found and face the consequences of these actions. The best way for voters to counter this underhanded political attack is to vote for Mrs. Wright in this upcoming election. Do not let the liars and hucksters responsible for this act earn any victory."

Matt Langston, Partner at Big Dog Strategies and Wright's General Consultant, released the following statement:
"We all know that weak candidates default to character assassination when they know they're going to lose a race, but today's attack on Susan is truly disgusting. We're thankful for the Republican Party of Texas as well as the thousands of supporters across the state and country who have reached out to support Susan against these criminal smears. Voters will see through these lies and send Susan to a first-place finish on Election Day."

Susan Wright is the widow of the late Rep. Ron Wright. She has been active in Texas politics for decades, serving members of the state legislature, as committeewoman for the State Republican Executive Committee, and on numerous boards in TX-06. 

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