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My Friends,

In 24 hours, my service as your Chairman will come to an end. Tomorrow morning, delegates across the state will come together in person and vote on the direction that our party will take for the next two years, and even beyond.

Earlier this week I was interviewed by the Deseret News and had an opportunity to talk candidly about the future of the Utah Republican Party. If you have a moment, please read the article. It provided me an opportunity to talk candidly about the direction, strengths, and weaknesses of our party in more depth than I can usually convey in short media sound bites. 

Earlier this week, the U.S. Census results revealed that, during the past decade, Utah was the fastest-growing state in the country. While the impact this growth will have on our state in the future cannot be overstated, it will provide an opportunity for us to share our conservative values with those who have chosen to come to our great state. Our state has been governed by conservative principles, and they are a large factor in its greatness.  

It has been an honor to serve as your chair. Two years ago when I was elected, I simply could not have imagined the successes that we would have had. Likewise, I could never have imagined the challenges and difficulties that we would have faced. And, of course, I wouldn’t trade those two years for the world.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your chair.

Chairman Derek Brown
“My concern is whenever a party becomes weak and unfunded and unfocused and allows itself to engage in infighting, the day follows the night. The party will begin to lose elections..."

Chairman Derek Brown
15 W. South Temple
Ste 250, SLC 84101
(801) 533-9777