Heartbeat Bill, Gender Modification Ban Need Your Help in Texas House

With just 30 days left in the 87th Texas Legislative Session, our Texas Values Action team is working overtime to ensure that key bills protecting faith, family, and freedom cross the finish line and are signed into law. Two key bills, the Texas Heartbeat Bill (SB 8) and HB 1399 by Rep. Matt Krause (protecting children from gender modification) are both in the House Calendars committee – the final step before being set for a vote by the full Texas House.

The Texas Heartbeat Bill, which would protect the lives of the unborn from the moment a heartbeat is detected, has already passed the Texas Senate and has support from Gov. Abbott. HB 1399, which would protect vulnerable children from gender modification procedures and puberty-blocking drugs, needs to pass the Texas House and then would still need to pass through the Texas Senate. Please continue taking action to urge your Texas legislators to support these bills so we can save preborn Texans and protect Texas children.



Vote Your Values! Tomorrow is Local Election Day Across Texas

Many local governments across Texas have local elections TOMORROW - Saturday, May 1! It is important to elect principled pro-family, pro-life leaders in local governments across Texas. Without the right leaders in local positions of power, our values will not be upheld.

Texas Values Action has made select, targeted local endorsements, and we have School Board Election Voter Guides ready in 20 Texas school districts with research and evaluations of over 160 school board candidates, powered by iVoterGuide.



Watch Our Legislative Training 102 Video

Take the next step in making a difference at the Texas Capitol for faith, family, and freedom during the Texas Legislative Session! We invite you to watch Texas Values’ recent Texas Legislative Advocacy 102 seminar, led by our professional policy team, to learn about the Texas legislative process and how to be an effective advocate for faith, family & freedom at the Texas Capitol. The video and other resources are now available on Texas Values' website. Click here to watch.

Rep. Matt Krause Talks Protecting Children 

On the most recent edition of our weekly radio show the Texas Values Report, host Jonathan Saenz was joined by our good friend, Texas State Rep. Matt Krause. Jonathan and Rep. Krause talked about HB 1399 that would protect children from dangerous gender modification procedures. The Texas Values Report podcast is available weekly on iTunes and other popular podcasting services – be sure to subscribe! Listen here.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.



Texas Values Action
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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