
Yesterday was the 100th day of the Biden administration and looking back at all that we've accomplished, I can't help but feel hopeful for the future of our country.

Since his inauguration, President Biden has taken meaningful steps to get our economy back on track, distribute vaccines to millions of Americans, combat climate change, and more.

We're headed down the right path, but we still have a lot of work to do. I'm working every day to continue delivering for families across Washington's 8th District, but I need your support so I can keep fighting for progress in Congress.

Congressional Republicans are focused on reclaiming the House majority in the midterms and blocking the Biden administration at every turn -- and they only need to flip five seats to do it.

Tonight at midnight is our crucial end-of-month fundraising deadline, and reaching our goal is key to ensuring we have the resources to protect my targeted seat and the very narrow Democratic House majority. We're so close to our goal, and I'm counting on this grassroots team to help push us over the finish line.

Please chip in before our end-of-month deadline at midnight tonight so we have the resources to protect this seat and the Democratic House majority >>[email protected]

Thank you,


Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress
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