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Dear Fellow Patriot,
Islamic State terrorists bomb and burn down cities, just before they destroy historical statues as they celebrate their victory. 
Here at home, radical, leftist Democrats, not content with taking over Seattle and Portland, are bringing their rabid violence and property destruction to the University of Arkansas.

Across America, Democrats are tearing down statues of historical icons, calling them “racist.” 

The weak GOP, especially my RINO opponent, refuse to stand up for American culture and history. 

I guess they think America is racist, too. 

But enough is enough. 

Chip into my U.S. Senate campaign today, and help me stop the radical left and their enablers in the GOP from doing any more harm to American history than they’ve already done

Every day, our children are being taught that America is a fundamentally evil place. 

President Trump recognized that, which is why he made it a federal crime to vandalize monuments on public land.

I supported him in that decision, and I still support it today. 

Democrats and RINOs have radicalized untold millions of kids in public schools to hate America -- the greatest country on earth -- and that policy has been disastrous for us. 

It will only get worse as Joe Biden and the evil leftists in Congress push to implement “Critical Race Theory” in public schools. 

They are radicalizing our children to become anti-American militants. Just like ISIS. 

Help me fight for our culture and history in Washington by contributing to my campaign today

Leftists and RINOs are rewriting our history at this very moment, and without your support today, I fear that they will succeed in brainwashing the masses

Time is of the essence, fellow Patriot. 

You see the race riots in the streets. 

You see radical leftists tearing down monuments to America’s greatest men nationwide. 

Even here in Arkansas, they’re getting away with it. 

Help me stop these ISIS tactics from being used against us by the radical left by chipping in $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250 or anything you can afford to my U.S. Senate campaign today

Make no mistake: we are in the middle of a culture war -- a battle for the very heart and soul of our nation -- and your generous contributions to my campaign today will help conservatives win that war, and preserve our great history and time-honored traditions

Thank you for understanding the critical nature of this issue, and helping me fight back today!

Help me Fight Back

Thank you for your continued support.
Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

P.S. Democrats and their RINO enablers are using ISIS’ tactics to rewrite American history. 

Help me fight back before it’s too late with a generous contribution to my campaign

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