Hi John,
Mary Gay has a busy day on the Hill, so she wanted me to check in with you this afternoon about our end-of-month fundraising goal. Unfortunately, we're still about $800 short of what we need to finish April strong.
As the campaign manager for Team Scanlon, I want to be straightforward with you: 2022 will be a challenging election for our district. Now that we know for sure that PA will lose a House seat, there's no telling how the GOP-controlled state legislature will redraw the lines. They could try to pack PA-05 with Republican voters to unseat Mary Gay, or they could try to consolidate all the Democrats into our district so that more seats overall stay red.
Regardless, Mary Gay will need to introduce herself to 40,000 new potential constitutents who haven't yet seen how hard she works to pass progressive legislation and support the people of PA-05. Mary Gay is a tireless fighter for our community and our country, and now we'll need to spread her message even wider than before.
That's why I feel so determined to make sure we hit this goal -- we need to make sure that Mary Gay can keep doing her amazing work.
I know that many people discount these off-year months -- but they're really vital for setting candidates up for success, especially with such an uncertain future for how our district will be shaped.
Mary Gay is counting on you -- if you haven't given already, can you help get us the rest of the way to our April goal? The link to donate is here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/marygayforcongress-nd
On behalf of all of Team Scanlon, thank you -- I don't know where we'd be if it wasn't for your support.
Ben TerMaat
Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States
