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Welcome to the 101st day of the Biden Administration!
These last 100 days have been an absolute whirlwind of activity from the Biden Administration and the federal government. Are you wondering what Biden has accomplished so far, and how it stacks up with his campaign promises and political record? Thinking about which areas progressives can push for Biden to do better in, and what specific demands we should be making?
Fortunately for you, DFP has done the heavy lifting on gathering all the facts and data of Biden’s first 100 days. BEHOLD:

In our 100 days report, you will find a full analysis of Biden’s presidency so far: what he’s accomplished already, how it tracks with his campaign promises and political record, and most importantly, what progressives are pushing for him to do in the future. Because we’re DFP, you will also find charts showing how popular each initiative Biden has pursued is with the American people.
Give it a read! Here’s the link again: https://www.dataforprogress.org/100-days-report.
From raising taxes on the wealthy to creating climate jobs to passing police reform legislation, DFP has the data showing that the American people are wildly supportive of Biden’s agenda. And in case you missed Biden’s Joint Address for Congress (and our sweet sweet live commentary), here it is again in newsletter form: