Title: Estimating Crime Victimization in Large States and MSAs through Reweighting: Evaluation and Methodology Authors: RTI International: Andrew Moore, G. Lance Couzens, and Marcus Berzofsky. Publication date: April 2021 Award number: 2011-NV-CX-K068
This report was produced by RTI International for BJS under award number 2011-NV-CX-K068. This study examines the extent to which weighting for National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) data can be adjusted to produce reliable subnational violent victimization statistics. This report also provides guidelines for aggregating NCVS data over multiple years to produce subnational estimates of interest. Data and methodology are based on analysis of the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey.
Title: Measuring Resident Perceptions of Police and Community Safety: Findings from the Local-Area Crime Survey Authors: Westat, Inc.: J. Michael Brick, Pamela Giambo, Pam Broene, W. Sherman Edwards, Robin Jones, and Yunhee Lim; BJS: Grace Kena. Publication date: April 2021 Award number: 2010-NV-CX-K077
This report was produced by Westat, Inc. for BJS under award number 2010-NV-CX-K077. The Local-Area Crime Survey (LACS) was fielded in 2015 and 2016 to collect victimization data and information on perceptions of police and community safety from residents in the 40 largest metropolitan areas in the United States. The LACS was adapted from the National Crime Victimization Survey as part of BJS’s efforts to build a program to estimate victimization at subnational levels. Westat, in collaboration with BJS, proposed a way to develop and evaluate a cost-effective survey of victimization and public perceptions as one piece of the subnational program. This report presents aggregate findings from 40 metropolitan areas on perceptions of police and community safety.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics funded these third-party reports. They are not BJS reports and do not release official government statistics. These reports are released to help inform interested parties of the research or analysis contained within and to encourage discussion. BJS has performed a limited review of these reports to ensure the general accuracy of information and adherence to confidentiality and disclosure standards. Any statistics included in these reports are not official BJS statistics unless they have been previously published in a BJS report. Any analysis, conclusions, or opinions expressed in these reports are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views, opinions, or policies of the Bureau of Justice Statistics or the U.S. Department of Justice.
This email does not represent an endorsement of any publication or entity referenced herein.
The BJS calendar year 2021 publications schedule for annual, periodic, third-party, discretionary, and congressionally mandated reports has been updated.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice is the principal federal agency responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating reliable statistics on crime and criminal justice in the United States. Doris J. James is the acting director.
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