We’re sorry to keep emailing you about H.R. 1, but we have no other choice!
We told you: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Stacey Abrams are racing to pass H.R. 1, the For the People Act.
We told you: we need to raise $50,000 before our critical End of Month Deadline at MIDNIGHT.
And we told you: if we fail, Republicans like Mitch McConnell will CRUSH this bill. So much is at stake!
But sadly, with our End of Month Deadline in just a few hours, donations from D.C. Progressives have come to a halt:

If we fail to meet our goal, our dreams of Automatic Voter Registration and National Vote-by-Mail Option will be gone forever.
And worse, Republicans will continue to destroy our elections with partisan gerrymandering, Dark Money, and voter suppression!
We need Progressives from every corner of the country to join leaders like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Stacey Abrams in this fight.
Our End of Month Deadline is in 12 hours. We’re out of time. Please do your part and rush a 300% MATCHED donation to pass H.R. 1 ↙↙↙

It’s now or never,
-Team MFA