Governor Reynolds returned $95 million in COVID-19 aid for Iowa schools

Help us build a strong foundation to defeat her in 2022!

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Last night, Governor Kim Reynolds appeared on Laura Ingraham’s show and bragged about returning $95 million in COVID-19 aid for additional testing for our students, teachers, and school staff.

Reynolds has touted the state’s surplus time and again, but a surplus means absolutely nothing if we’re not using it to invest in the people of Iowa to help prop up small businesses, offer assistance to those in desperate need, accelerate vaccinations, and more. 

It’s clear that Reynolds is more interested in soundbites to rile up her base than actually governing our state and leading us out of a pandemic. Can we count on you to chip in $25 – or whatever you can afford – right now to help defeat her in 2022?

Hoarding our resources in times of crisis is irresponsible and negligent. We might not be able to make everyone whole, but we sure can make sure folks who need it get a hand up. And that additional funding she just returned could have gone a long way to ensuring the safety of our students and teachers at a time when COVID-19 is still spreading and vaccinations have stalled in Iowa.

With your help, we can defeat Kim Reynolds and send a Democrat to the Governor’s office who will lead with compassion and courage – can you chip in right now?

Thanks for helping us hold Reynolds accountable!

– Team IDP


Paid for by the Iowa Democratic Party.

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