National Review: Free speech in battle with snitch culture before the courts

Upset at not making the varsity cheerleading team, a high school sophomore vented her frustrations in a vulgarity-laden Snapchat post. Another student’s screenshot of the post got back to the school, which suspended her from the junior-varsity cheerleading team for violating school rules.

Deborah La Fetra tells us the fact that the student made her post on a weekend, while at the mall, raises a very important question argued before the Supreme Court this week: whether a teenager’s private, impotent protest that life is unfair is protected speech under the First Amendment.

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The National Labor Relations Board embraces ‘cancel culture’

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recently declared that Elon Musk violated federal law with this tweet: “Nothing stopping Tesla team at our car plant from voting union. Could do so tmrw if they wanted. But why pay union dues & give up stock options for nothing? Our safety record is 2X better than when plant was UAW & everybody already gets healthcare.”

Ethan Blevins writes that the agency’s henpecking over social media commentary reeks of viewpoint discrimination and worse, a debasement of First Amendment values.

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New video highlights absurdity of California union access rule, but where did the law come from?

PLF’s new video, The Bullhorn Exemption: California’s Property Rights at Stake, takes a satirical look at a California law that gives labor union recruiters time-limited permission to enter private property.

While the law’s absurdity is ripe for satire, our right to hold property and exclude unwanted trespassers is a core American principle. In light of this serious issue, Brittany Hunter explains why this law exists in the first place.

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