| GET READY! REGISTRATION OPENS MAY 5 FOR YWM2021-VIRTUAL Mark your calendar for May 5 when registration opens for OAC's Your Weight Matters Convention! YWM2021-VIRTUAL is designed to help you embrace change, move forward and recharge your health by connecting you with renowned health experts and a supportive community. OAC Members with Premium Access Membership can currently register early and get other exciting benefits. To add-on Premium Access Membership, click here. Learn more about this can't-miss virtual event series HERE. |  | SUBSCRIBE TO OAC'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL! The OAC is revamping our YouTube channel where we will host future monthly broadcasts and other special events! You can expect a lot more video content coming from the OAC to arrive soon on YouTube where it will be easily accessible. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified of new events and videos! LEARN MORE |  | WATCH NOW: EXERCISE IS CHANGING - NEW TOOLS, NEW HABITS, NEW ATTITUDES In the most recent episode of OAC's monthly broadcast, we brought on fitness instructor Yelena Kibasova to have an open and honest discussion with us about exercise, how it has changed in the last year, and what opportunities we can take to be active for our health and happiness. Don't miss this energizing broadcast with a special segment at the end! WATCH NOW |  | OAC's UNDERSTANDING YOUR OBESITY TREATMENT OPTIONS BROCHURE IS UPDATED AND REFRESHED! Treating obesity isn't something you should have to do alone. That's why the OAC created the Understanding Your Obesity Treatment Options brochure for navigating what options are available to you without feeling pressured by weight stigma. This resource is full of education, support and helpful information if you are seeking help for managing your weight. READ MORE | |  |  | So many times, bariatric surgery is thought to be the "easy way out." But a lack of education about obesity, and the treatment options available, can keep people from seeking the help they want or need. That's what happened to OAC Member Peter Brady who shared his journey about embracing bariatric surgery in the spring 2021 issue of OAC's Weight Matters Magazine. Peter talks about treatment stigma, weight bias and asking for help. Read Peter's interview HERE. | | MORE THAN 5,200 PHYSICIANS ARE NOW BOARD-CERTIFIED IN OBESITY MEDICINE OAC passes along the news that more than 1,100 physicians are newly board-certified in obesity medicine after passing their 2021 American Board of Obesity Medicine certification exam, bringing the total number to more than 5,200. These numbers show obesity-medicine as being one of the fastest-growing fields in medicine. READ MORE |  | | |  | PARTICIPATE IN THIS RESEARCH STUDY The OAC is proud to partner on a new opportunity to lend your voice to important research. Boston University and American International College are seeking insight about choices that people make when they decide to pursue options for weight-loss. The research will be used to support people's abilities to make decisions about their options. To take this brief survey and lend your voice to important research, CLICK HERE. By taking this survey, you can also be entered in to a drawing for a FREE Amazon Gift Card. | | | OAC INSIDER READERS CAN GET 30% OFF REGISTRATION FOR 7TH CANADIAN OBESITY SUMMIT, MAY 10-13 Our partners at Obesity Canada are offering readers of this newsletter a 30% discount off registration for the 7th Canadian Obesity Summit, coming up May 10-13. The Summit will be held as a virtual multidisciplinary conference for professionals with an interest in obesity care. Use discount code 721COS to save 30% off nonmember registration! LEARN MORE | THANK YOU TO OUR CURRENT YWM2021-VIRTUAL SPONSORS! The OAC is grateful for the support of our current Convention sponsors who are helping to make YWM2021-VIRTUAL this summer a reality! They are: Novo Nordisk (Platinum), Endo Pharmaceuticals (Silver), Medtronic (Silver), Celebrate Vitamins (Bronze) and Weight Watchers (Bronze). YWM2021-VIRTUAL will take place July 17-25. For sponsorship information, CLICK HERE. | "WEIGHT CAN'T WAIT" GUIDE PUBLISHED IN MAY ISSUE OF OBESITY Last year, the OAC was excited to participate in a series of roundtables convened by the STOP Obesity Alliance with other representatives from healthcare provider organizations and obesity experts to discuss obesity management in the primary care setting. A new article about the roundable meetings and development of the "Weight Can't Wait" Guide has recently been published in the journal Obesity. The guide was reviewed and endorsed by 11 of the organizations who participated in the convenings, including OAC. LEARN MORE | | | Obesity Action Coalition 4511 N Himes Ave, Suite 250 Tampa, FL 33614 Unsubscribe | | |