Help us reach an Evergreen Future
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Make your GiveBIG gift early to WCV and have your gift matched in support of holding our elected leaders accountable. [[link removed]] [[link removed]]
I believe that every person in our state should know if their elected officials are standing up for the health of our environment, communities, and families.
That is why accountability is so important to our Evergreen Future platform.
Evergreen Future works year round to push elected officials to take bold steps on climate action, environmental justice, public health, and more. Then holds them accountable to what they have committed to.
Contribute to WCV during GiveBIG, have your gift matched, and help us continue to hold our leaders accountable. [[link removed]]
We take our role as an organization that works with elected officials and does endorsements seriously. And I promise you that we will always let you know where our elected leaders stand – good or bad – when it comes to the environment and protecting our communities.
But we are only as effective as the support we receive from people like you.
The environmental challenges we are facing are huge. We need environmental champions who are going to step up and commit with every action they take to making real progress on the major environmental issues facing Washington.
GiveBIG early to help WCV continue to back environmental champions across the state, to hold anti-environment legislators accountable, and to elect more champions to represent our values. [[link removed]]
Evergreen Future is about holding elected leaders accountable today but it is also about a vision for building a better Washington. At WCV we are working to reach that vision together.
To do that we need elected leaders who are going to vote with the health and future of all Washingtonians in mind. Will you join us in supporting these leaders and have your gift matched? [[link removed]]
Thank you,
Lennon Bronsema
Chief Campaigns Officer
Forward [link removed] Washington Conservation Voters
1402 Third Avenue, Suite 1400 | Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 631-2600 |
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