Dear Partners,

Thank you for your continued advocacy to ensure that state and national policies center the needs of the individuals and families who are most deeply impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and long-standing inequities that plague our communities. Here are a few resources to support you in your work:

Featured Resources

  • Co-led sign-on letter to the Administration and Congressional leadership led by American Federation of Teachers, Community Catalyst, Families USA, National Partnerships for Women & Families, and Protect Our Care to prioritize health and health care in the upcoming package. 
  • An issue brief on S. 499, the Improving Health Insurance Affordability Act (IHIAA) of 2021, introduced by U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), that takes significant steps to lower health care costs.
  • Use our comprehensive COVID-19 toolkit to support your advocacy: COVID-19 Related Resources

We hope you find these resources useful to your work! 

To your health,

Hannah Markus 
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator
Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
Health Action Network

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