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From Muncie to Washington...
This week, I was in Muncie. We’re now just over a month away from this year’s municipal elections, and I was honored to join Congressman Greg Pence at an event in support of Dan Ridenour, who I’m proud to support in his run to be Muncie’s next mayor.

Muncie is a great city – home to a world-class university, great local businesses, and fantastic people. But it’s also an excellent example of what happens when you let Democrats run your government.

In case you haven’t been following, the FBI has been investigating Muncie for years, and this summer, they searched Muncie City Hall and ended up handing down two indictments. It’s a betrayal of the public trust, but sadly, Muncie’s problems under Democrats only begin there. This week a state audit broke news that city accounts are overdrawn by more than $250,000. It’s fiscal mismanagement, and it’s irresponsible.

And really, it mirrors what Democrats are trying to do in Washington today. While President Donald Trump is trying to work toward real solutions on the issues he was sent to Washington to solve – including securing our borders and free and fair trade – all Democrats can do is yell, “impeachment!”. They don’t know how to govern, so they’re trying to distract.

This November, let’s elect real Republican leaders as our mayors, city/town councilors and other local officials. And next November, let’s vote for results again by re-electing President Donald Trump!

-Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Chairman Kyle Hupfer grabs a photo with Congressman Greg Pence and Dan Ridenour -- candidate to be Muncie's next mayor -- at an event in Muncie this week.
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was 
Taking Indiana to the World: India Edition
Governor Holcomb is continuing to take Indiana to the world and bring the world to Indiana! This week he was in India, continuing his economic development mission to Asia.

While in India, Governor Holcomb traveled to New Delhi and Mumbai where he met with government officials and business leaders to highlight Indiana's global economy and promote opportunities for increased collaboration between Indiana & India!
  • Governor Holcomb participated in the World Economic Forum's India Economic Summit, which convened more than 350 government, academic and business leaders from around the world to discuss key issues impacting global economic growth in Asia. Governor Holcomb highlighted Indiana's commitment to building and enhancing the state's transportation and digital infrastructure to open up new economic opportunities!
  • Governor Holcomb met with leaders of India-based Wipro Limited, a global information technology, consulting and business process services company, which acquired Indianapolis-based Appirio in 2016.
  • Governor Holcomb met with leaders and members of the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), a trade association representing more than 2,800 businesses from India's tech industry. Governor Holcomb highlighted Indiana's thriving and competitive tech sector, which continues to gain international recognition.
  • Before the NBA's inaugural game in India, Governor Holcomb hosted a Friends of Indiana reception to thank more than 100 NBA and Indiana Pacers stakeholders, business executives, government officials and academic and industry partners for their many contributions to the Indiana-India partnership!
Governor Holcomb is working hard to create opportunities for Hoosiers and show the world all that Indiana has to offer!
Last Chance:
Fall Dinner 2019: Celebrating Our Military

There's now just over a week until the 2019 Team Holcomb Fall Dinner. If you're planning to attend on October 14 and help us celebrate our military, this is your last chance to book your ticket!

We're excited to welcome Congressmen and combat veterans Jim Baird, Brian Mast and Dan Crenshaw as the event's special guests at the JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis.

These three American heroes have made so many sacrifices in the name of freedom. Of course, we already know Indiana's own Congressman Jim Baird, and you may remember Congressman Crenshaw from when he was unnecessarily mocked on Saturday Night Live, but this trio made national headlines when Congressman Mast's tweet "5 eyes. 5 arms. 4 legs. All American." went viral. 

Get Active: Super Saturdays 2019
Countdown – five Saturdays until 2019 Election Day, and we need your help to make sure our Republican mayoral, city council and other municipal candidates win. Sign-up now to volunteer for an upcoming Super Saturday!

As part of our upcoming Super Saturdays, we have five opportunities throughout Indiana over the next five weekends for you to volunteer on several down-to-the-wire races where your work could help set our candidates over the top -- making sure that they cross the finish line first.

We need YOU to make all of this possible! This is your chance to be a Republican superhero for our mayoral candidates.

October 5
Muncie Mayoral Candidate Dan Ridenour
October 12
Lawrence Mayor Steve Collier
October 19
New Albany Mayoral Candidate Mark Seabrook
October 26
Fort Wayne Mayoral Candidate Tim Smith
November 2
State Party HQ Phone Bank
Hey Dems, Impeach This!
Do Democrats really think they can impeach President Donald Trump with a country this red?

Since President Donald Trump's election in 2016, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats have spent their time trying take down President Trump, with no regard to the American people who sent President Trump and Republicans to Washington.

Isn't it about time that House Democrats got back to serving their constituents and working to pass critical legislation like the new USMCA trade deal that will directly benefit Hoosier farmers, manufacturers, and workers?
If you support President Donald Trump and want another four years of Putting America First, order your own "Impeach This" shirt here! Your contribution will go directly to President Donald Trump's re-election campaign and to your Indiana Republican Party!

South Bend's Leadership Crisis
This week, Mayor Pete Buttigieg made a rare appearance back in South Bend to open a new office for his presidential campaign. What he wasn’t doing? He wasn’t addressing the rising crime in South Bend.

According to the South Bend Tribune, as of August, South Bend has seen 10 homicides this year, double the number of homicides in South Bend over the same period in 2018. This is while aggravated assaults also increased through August, with 674 aggravated assaults reported compared to 488 reports in the same timeframe last year. 

“As homicides and aggravated assaults continue to rise in South Bend, the city needs a leader,” said Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer. “And sadly right now, it’s clear that Mayor Pete Buttigieg is dodging the responsibilities of being that leader. The people of South Bend care about the safety of their own neighborhoods – not baseless impeachment inquiries, and certainly not Buttigieg’s latest celebrity endorsement.”

Read Chairman Hupfer’s full statement here!

Upcoming Republican Events

October 4: Bartholomew County Fall Dinner 
October 5: Clay County Republican BBQ and Pie Auction
October 12: Plymouth Republican City Committee Picnic 
October 14: Team Holcomb Fall Dinner
October 23: Huntington County GOP "Under the Dome"
October 28: Orange County Fall Dinner 
November 1: Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner
November 1: Sullivan County Fall Dinner 
December 6: Greater Indianapolis Republican Women's Club Holiday Luncheon and Silent Auction  

**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb is working to expand Pell Grant eligibility 
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch discusses growing up in Evansville
Senator Todd Young introduced bill for burial of aborted fetal remains 
Senator Mike Braun discusses issues that affect everyday Hoosiers
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski seeks assistance in abortion doctor investigation
Congressman Jim Banks leads House Republicans in calling on DOJ to assist investigation
Congressman Jim Baird welcomed Ivy Tech President Ellspermann to testify to Congress
Congresswoman Susan Brooks celebrated Tipton's new solar park
Congressman Greg Pence visited newly developed Yorktown Town Hall
Congressman Larry Bucshon comments on bill to lower drug prices 
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth is promoting Manufacturing Day in Indiana

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