From Independent Institute <[email protected]>
Subject The Lighthouse: Biden ‘Stimulus’ Will Deaden Innovation | Not Quite a ‘Game’ | Gun Violence ‘Fact Sheet’ Comes Up Short on Facts
Date April 29, 2021 9:43 PM
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President Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan has many economists excited for a return of old-school Keynesian splurging.
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April 29, 2021 | Weekly Newsletter

Biden ‘Stimulus’ Will Deaden Innovation ([link removed])
By Alexander William Salter (The Wall Street Journal)
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President Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan has many economists excited for a return of old-school Keynesian splurging. “Fiscal policy is back,” Nobel laureate Joe Stiglitz cheered. “That will create more demand and that should give people more confidence to invest.” But economic growth comes down, not to demand, but to supply. And the Biden plan would stifle the innovation that drives it. READ MORE » ([link removed])
Boom and Bust Banking The Causes and Cures of the Great Recession ([link removed])
Edited by David Beckworth
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Much to Forgive: Adults Have Failed Children in Foisting Unnecessary, Harmful Covid-19 Restrictions on Them. ([link removed])
By John Tierney (City Journal)
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“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul,” Nelson Mandela famously said, “than the way in which it treats its children.” By that standard, our society now has the soul of an abusive parent. The pandemic has turned American adults, or at least the ones who make the rules, into selfish neurotics who have been punishing innocent children for over a year—and they still can’t restrain themselves. READ MORE » ([link removed])
New Way to Care Social Protections that Put Families First ([link removed])
By John C. Goodman
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You Think This Is a Game? Not Quite ([link removed])
By Art Carden (American Institute for Economic Research)
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How often have you heard or read someone use a sports analogy to describe commercial society? Games are great fun, but they have winners and losers in ways exchanges don’t. Exchange is not, as any decent economist can tell you, a zero-sum proposition. Quite the opposite. In an exchange, you improve your position by helping other people improve theirs, and not to your disadvantage. Despite its progressive (read: ignorant) critics, commerce is indeed the greatest positive-sum ‘game’ ever invented. READ MORE » ([link removed])
Future Economic Peril or Prosperity? ([link removed])
Edited by Christopher J. Coyne, Michael C. Munger, Robert M. Whaples
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Biden-Harris Gun Violence ‘Fact Sheet’ Comes Up Short on Facts ([link removed])
By K. Lloyd Billingsley (Washington Examiner)
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“Biden-Harris Administration Announces Initial Actions to Address the Gun Violence Public Health Epidemic,” declared a recent White House—“fact sheet”? But hardly a fact was to be found in this latest assault on the Second Amendment. Just a lot of unsubstantiated bilge, including about “ghost guns.” And what, exactly, is so wrong about guns the government can’t trace? To see what can happen to a populace stripped of its traceable guns, read Stephen P. Halbrook’s Gun Control in the Third Reich. READ MORE » ([link removed])
Gun Control in the Third Reich Disarming the Jews and “Enemies of the State” ([link removed])
By Stephen P. Halbrook
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For-Profit Higher Ed’s Renaissance: The Case of Coursera ([link removed])
By Richard K. Vedder (Forbes)
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When the Obama administration declared war on for-profit education, new rules disadvantaging the sector were implemented and even accreditation became more difficult. Many large schools went bankrupt or converted to not-for-profit status to reduce the regulatory attacks. But now there are signs that for-profit higher education is growing again, even flourishing. But college is also about things other than getting a job. Can these institutions deliver them? READ MORE » ([link removed])
Restoring the Promise Higher Education in America ([link removed])
By Richard K. Vedder
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The Beacon: New Blog Posts
* President Biden’s Climate Pledge: Aspirations Versus Policies ([link removed]) , by Randall G. Holcombe
* Peru—Between a Rock and a Hard Place ([link removed]) , by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
* Chauvin Outcome Is the Exception, Not the Rule ([link removed]) , by Abigail R. Hall Blanco

Catalyst: New Articles
* Can Solar Energy Actually Compete in a Free Market? ([link removed])
* 7 Examples of Corrupt Congressional 2020 Earmarks ([link removed]) , by Brad Polumbo
* Could Skyscrapers Made of Wood Rise in U.S. Cities? ([link removed]) , by Scott Beyer
* How Stalin Canceled ‘Hamlet’ in the Soviet Union ([link removed]) , by Jon Miltimore

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