News from Representative Allred

April 29, 2021

Dear John,

Last night, I had the honor of attending President Biden’s Joint Address to Congress on behalf of North Texans. I can tell you, the positive energy in the House chamber was tangible as President Biden reflected on the great progress we’ve made and laid out his plans for America’s future.

In the past 100 days since President Biden’s inauguration, we’ve come together as a nation, half of the population has received at least one COVID-19 shot, and delivered financial relief through the American Rescue Plan. These actions were pivotal and sent a clear message to the world: America is on the move again.


I look forward to working with President Biden and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass legislation to build back even stronger and create an economy that works for everyone. North Texas is rapidly growing and investing in infrastructure isn’t an option--it’s a necessity. We must do it. Here are some highlights of the big pieces we’ll be working on:

  • Create jobs
  • Focus on Made in America
  • Fix America’s aging roads, bridges, airports and transit systems
  • Repair unsafe drinking water supplies
  • Deliver rural broadband
  • Modernize and make energy efficient public facilities

I just celebrated the birth of my second son, and I was able to take paternity leave to be with my family during this time. That is why I was so glad to see the President lay out a plan to help families across North Texas.
  • Paid family leave up to 12 weeks
  • Universal pre-kindergarten and two years of tuition free community college
  • Extend tax cuts for working families with children
  • Cap the cost of child care at 7% of parent’s income


Though there is a lot of work to do to make these plans a reality, I left last night’s address eager to get to work on these sweeping plans and help North Texas families.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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