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This is DIRE. Donald Trump may be out of his office, but his Social Security Administrators could remain in office until 2024.
In order to PROTECT Social Security from their vicious cuts, we need responses from TOP Progressives like you to show how VALUABLE Social Security is to Americans.
SO, we’re launching this CRITICAL focus group to inform our strategy to PROTECT Social Security, will you begin now? >>
For DECADES, Social Security has been the BACKBONE for some of our most vulnerable citizens.
But during this pandemic, Donald Trump’s handpicked Social Security Administrators are GUTTING it.
They’ve sneakily tightened up restrictions on Social Security for disabled citizens in addition to limiting online access for help.
They pulled the rug out from under MILLIONS of Americans in the middle of a global pandemic. DESPICABLE.
We MUST ensure the Biden administration does everything to PROTECT Social Security -- but FIRST we need to update our strategy.
So we’ve specifically chosen you as one of our most informed Progressives for this interview. As [1] of [7] selected, your responses are crucial for the next steps for 2021. The link expires before midnight so answer RIGHT AWAY ➡
- Team MFA