Saving for retirement is a crucial financial goal for most workers. Yet even before the pandemic, only about half of private sector workers had retirement accounts at work, and many weren't saving enough in those accounts. Please join us Tuesday, May 11, for a webinar focusing on saving for retirement. The speakers for this webinar are Richard Eisenberg, managing editor at Next Avenue (produced by Twin Cities PBS) and senior editor of its Money and Work & Purpose channels; Vickie Elisa, financial literacy educator for Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER); and Dana Pollard, managing director of investments at Wells Fargo Advisors. Click here to register for our free 90-minute webinar, which will take place on Tuesday, May 11, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time (10 a.m. Pacific; 11 a.m. Mountain; and noon Central).
The webinar will discuss: - The long-term impact of early withdrawals from retirement accounts during the pandemic
- Alternatives to making early retirement account withdrawals
- Strategies for staying on track with retirement savings, or getting back on track as finances begin to improve
- Ways COVID-19 has increased women’s retirement savings worries
- Tips for first-time retirement savers during the pandemic and beyond
- Tools and resources to help consumers plan a more secure future and be motivated to save
Follow us on Twitter and tweet us your questions: Follow Consumer Action's handle on Twitter—@consumeraction—and tweet us your questions during the webinar using the hashtag #CAWebinars. You will also find helpful consumer tips and links to resources related to our webinars at #CAWebinars. (All webinars are recorded, and you can find them on our COVID-19 Educational Project webpage.
If you have any questions for our guest speakers, reply to this email. |