
Yesterday I led my Senate colleagues in rolling back Trump’s Methane deregulation and reinstating Obama-era limits. The Washington Post called it the most significant step we could take to address climate change, and the science agrees.

Methane emissions have caused a quarter of the global warming we’ve seen since 1850, and it does over 80 times as much damage as carbon dioxide. Our action yesterday was commonsense, but took tremendous effort.

You are the reason I was able to put that work in. 

Our campaign is about more than just re-electing me to the U.S. Senate. When I’m in the Senate, I can lead efforts like reviving methane rules while also supporting local leaders in New Mexico, championing policies that will help working families in our state and across the country, investing in voter outreach ahead of important elections, and more. This campaign is about building a grassroots coalition that can take on tough battles and win — from the Senate floor to every corner of New Mexico.

What you may not know is that emails like this one are a big part of what makes our work possible. We rely on grassroots donations of $10, $25, or even $5 at a time to keep the lights on, fund our work for New Mexico, and make sure I can stay focused on the job at hand.

So when our Democratic majority allows us to win tough fights — like passing COVID-19 relief, investing in jobs and infrastructure, regulating methane emissions, and more — know that your support makes it all possible.

We’ve made a lot of progress together, but our work is far from over. Will you make a donation of any amount before tomorrow’s end-of-month fundraising deadline to help us build on our wins in the months and years ahead?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$10 → $25 →
$50 → $100 →
$250 → Other →

Thank you for your support. It means so much to me to have you on this team.

— Martin



Paid for by Martin Heinrich for Senate

Senator Martin Heinrich is committed to helping New Mexico become a leader in defense, tech, and energy with opportunities in every corner. If you would like to stay in touch but receive fewer emails from us, click here. If you would like to unsubscribe from emails altogether, click here.

Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States