Land and water defender Rosalina Dominguez was attacked again. Take action! | View in browser.

Dear John,

A few days ago a man grabbed Rosalina Domínguez by the neck and tried to hit her with a machete. Thankfully she managed to escape with her life. This is the most recent of many attacks against her and Rosalina remains in serious danger.

Rosalina is a determined defender of the land and water that are vital to the survival of her people in the Lenca community of Río Blanco, Honduras. She and her community seek to protect a future for their children, defending the environment from powerful people who want to exploit Indigenous territory for profit.


URGENT: Take action now!



Photo of Rosalina Dominguez by Stephen Hawkey

Rosalina's community has been under attack for years.  

No one can forget the assassination of Lenca water defender Berta Cáceres, as she led efforts to stop the imposition of a big dam project and its negative impacts on Indigenous communities.

In recent months, death threats and acts of violence have increased against Rosalina and others who continue the struggle for which Berta died. 

Armed men have threatened to kill Rosalina. They've forced her to flee her home and destroyed communal food crops. 

The attacks will only continue as long as the perpetrators are allowed to get away with these despicable crimes and remain at large. 

John, the situation could not be more dangerous. Rosalina and her community have appealed for our support.

Please raise your voice with them now for protection of their lives and rights!

In solidarity,

Kathy Price
Americas Campaigner
Amnesty International Canada


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