From Progressive Policy Institute <[email protected]>
Subject NEWS: PPI Statement on President Biden’s Historic First 100 Days
Date April 29, 2021 2:59 PM
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Today marks President Joe Biden and the Biden-Harris Administration’s first 100 days in office.

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NEWS: PPI Statement on President Biden’s Historic First 100 Days

Today marks President Joe Biden and the Biden-Harris Administration’s first 100 days in office. Will Marshall, President of the Progressive Policy Institute, released the following statement:

"In his first 100 days in office, President Biden has put before the American people an audacious agenda for national revival. You don’t have to agree with everything he’s proposed to appreciate that our ship of state now has a steady, rational and capable hand at the wheel. That alone is cause for celebration.

"But there is more. President Biden has packed more constructive leadership into 100 days than his predecessor showed over four wasted years. Most dramatically, he has brought energy, skill and discipline to beating back the Covid pandemic. Having previously led the world in Covid denial and deaths, the United States now leads in vaccinating its citizens.

"The administration’s landmark American Relief Act also has provided crucial support for the Americans hit hardest by the pandemic. The president has followed up with two sweeping proposals to create jobs and support the struggles of working and middle class families. In short, he is setting the terms of the national debate we need over how to spark an inclusive recovery, narrow racial and other inequalities aggravated by the pandemic, and win the competition for mastery of the new technologies that will shape our future.

"Crucially, President Biden has jettisoned the stupidly selfish “America alone” policies he inherited. He is helping our country regain its footing as a leader on the global stage, with ambitious goals to revitalize our democratic alliances and reduce carbon emissions and combat change.

"Bruising political battles over the scale and cost of Biden’s ambitious agenda lie ahead. We hope the president will continue to approach these battles in a spirit of radical pragmatism, avoiding the dogmatic and sectarian spirit some in his party are urging on him.

"Most important, Biden understands that a U.S. President must strive constantly to unify the country, not divide it for partisan gain, and to give voice to its highest ideals, not its basest prejudices. He already has secured what could turn out to be his greatest legacy: restoring honesty, reason and decency in the White House."


Media Contact: Aaron White, Director of Communications: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

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