I can think of few things that would be worse for our district than if it were to be won by a far-right partisan ideologue who puts party before the people — but that’s exactly who the Republicans are trying to elect.

Our home, Pennsylvania’s 8th District, is filled with hard working Pennsylvanians, lush forests and stately mountains.

I’m so proud to advocate for my friends and neighbors here; I’m proud to fight for workers and fight against the partisan gridlock that too often leads our leaders to inaction.

From passing the American Rescue Plan to urging my colleagues to join me in supporting the PRO act, I will never stop doing what’s right for our community.

However, I can think of few things that would be worse for our district than if it were to be won by a far-right partisan ideologue who puts party before the people — but that’s exactly who the Republicans are trying to elect.

That’s why I’m reaching out. Can I count on you to chip in any amount right now to help me protect not only my seat but the Democratic majority in the House? We set a goal to raise $6,000, and we still have $4,239 to go.

They’ve already launched attack ads against me over a year before the election, and I don’t anticipate this slowing down anytime soon. Republicans would do anything to stop the progress Joe Biden and Democrats have championed in just four months, and they see me as one of their top targets.

I know that my track record speaks for itself, but Kevin McCarthy’s GOP apparatus will nevertheless try to lie and manipulate their way into power. The only thing stopping them is us, John.

So please, donate whatever you can right now so we can prepare for whatever they throw at us so we can keep PA-08 — and the House — blue.


Rep. Matt Cartwright


In 2020, Matt Cartwright was one of only seven House Democrats who managed to win re-election in a Trump district and save our House Majority. But now Matt is target #1 for the GOP and their efforts to retake the House of Representatives, and he needs your help to win again! But if you'd like to receive fewer emails, we understand. You can request to get only the most important emails here, or you can unsubscribe.
Matt Cartwright has spent his entire career sticking up for working people, first as a trial attorney and now as the Congressman in Pennsylvania’s Eighth District. Matt was named one of the most effective Democrats in Congress for his ability to work across the aisle and get things done, and he's counting on your help to keep him in Congress. Will you make a donation to his campaign today?
Paid for by Cartwright for Congress

Cartwright For Congress
PO Box 414
Scranton, PA 18501
United States