Hi John,
We knew this was coming, but now it's official -- Pennsylvania is losing a House seat in 2022.
This means we have to be prepared to run in a very different district in 2022, John. Our GOP-controlled state government will redraw congressional lines, and it's likely that our district will absorb more constituents. We're expecting to add about 40,000 voters to PA-05, and while I'm eager to represent everyone in Congress, this means we'll have to ramp up our organizing efforts to reach even more people as we head into the next cycle.
That's why it's especially important that we meet our fundraising goals. But I have some unfortunate news. We're falling short of our April goal by $2,307.
I'm counting on you to step up. I have not seen you come up on our list of donors, and I know you care about the future of our district.
Our 2022 budget-building starts now, but not everyone knows what's at stake. That's why I'm turning to engaged supporters like you.
If you can help us reach our April goal, you'll be providing me and my team the security we need to keep up the fight.
Please, will you donate $5, $10, or $25 now? Here's the link to contribute: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/marygayforcongress-nd
Thank you so much -- because of you, I feel more confident going into our uncertain future.
Mary Gay


Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States
