The Daily Beast reports that CNN is refusing to air a Trump campaign ad because it "pushes false Biden-Ukraine claims" and bashes the media.

But just 2 weeks after a surprise White House meeting between Trump and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg -- and days after leaked audio surfaced of Zuckerberg attacking Elizabeth Warren -- Facebook is doing the opposite of CNN.

Independent investigative journalist Judd Legum reports that "Until last week, Facebook's ad policies prohibited 'false or misleading content.' Facebook quietly changed its policies last week and eliminated that language."

Legum reports that with Facebook’s new ad policy: "It’s open season. Now, no matter how many lies are contained in an ad from Trump (or any other political figure), Facebook will allow it to run." If this continues, it could have disastrous consequences in 2020.

Facebook has responded to public pressure in the past, agreeing to overhaul many of its policies that led to the disastrous 2016 election. Now, we must demand that Facebook stop backsliding and to do everything in its power to protect the integrity of the 2020 election.

Sign the petition: Facebook must refuse to allow false political ads from Trump or any other political figure that fail it’s own fact-checking policies. No exemptions! The integrity of our elections are at stake.

After you sign, help pressure Facebook by sharing the petition on social media -- including on Facebook itself.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team

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