RISE UP against Pornhub and XVideos. PROTECT exploited men, women, and children now!

Dear Friend, 

Good news! The landmark class action lawsuits we filed against the two biggest pornography companies in the world, Pornhub and XVideos, are moving forward.

Give now to see your gift DOUBLED by a Matching Grant to help win these victories!

Each suit seeks extensive remedies for every child who has been exploited by these companies, whether they are identified or not. We are seeking wide-scale injunctive relief, asking the court to overhaul the industry and order safety requirements that will cripple their business model, which is designed to rake in huge sums from the rape, sexual abuse, and trafficking of men, women, and children. 

Under pressure from NCOSE and others, Pornhub has already removed a majority of the content provided by unverified users. While that's a step in the right direction, we must keep the heat on. These lawsuits will help do that.

Giant, powerful companies are making huge money and enabling sexual exploitation. They will not go down without a fight.

Now is not the time to back off. Your gift will keep up the pressure and help win these cases!

Join the battle and your gift DOUBLES!

$25,000 Matching Grant will multiply your donation.

Right now, thanks to a $25,000 Matching Grant intended solely to advance the fight against sexual exploitation, whatever you are able to give will immediately make TWICE the impact.

At this very minute Pornhub, XVidoes, and other companies continue to profit from the rape, trafficking, and savage abuse of countless men, women, and children. They will not stop unless, together, we force them to stop.

Your gift is so important. Not just because you care deeply about protecting those who are most vulnerable, but because you care about the kind of world we’re leaving our kids and grandkids. Will it be one that stands for justice, compassion, and the rule of law...or one that allows the weak, poor, and powerless to be victimized?

Please stand with thousands of others who share your concern for vulnerable people being victimized by callous business enterprises, legal systems riddled with loopholes, and widespread apathy.

Thank you for giving generously now!

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