From Policies for Action <[email protected]>
Subject Did the ACA improve gaps in maternal health care access?
Date April 29, 2021 11:13 AM
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Policies for Action
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April Update

Impacts of the ACA on gaps in maternal health care access

Medicaid has been critical in providing insurance coverage for pregnant women with low incomes in the United States. Many women with low incomes not otherwise eligible for Medicaid gain coverage during their pregnancies and then lose that coverage 60 days after delivery, when their pregnancy-related eligibility expires. Although the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provided some coverage improvements, many low-income women remain uninsured before or after their pregnancies. Researchers at the Urban Institute examined data for new mothers with Medicaid-covered prenatal care and found, in Medicaid expansion states, 17 percent of women with Medicaid-covered prenatal care were uninsured before conception compared with 38 percent of women in nonexpansion states.
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How many Californians could miss out on stimulus funds?

New research from the California Policy Lab projects that one in four (25 percent) low-income Californians who are enrolled in safety net programs are in the federal &ldquo;stimulus gap.&rdquo; These Californians likely did not receive their federal stimulus payments automatically and are therefore at risk of never receiving their payments. For the average adult, that could mean missing out on $3,200 in total stimulus payments, and adults with dependents younger than 17 could miss out on an additional $2,500 per child. The Internal Revenue Service used tax data to determine who should receive these payments, which helped get payments to most eligible people quickly and automatically but could leave those with incomes too low to file taxes without the funds they need.

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Did North Carolina&rsquo;s HFSRP increase fruit and vegetable intake in food deserts?

People living in food deserts have reduced access to affordable, nutritious food, which can increase negative health outcomes. The North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program (HFSRP), established in 2016, provides up to $25,000 in funding to small food stores for equipment to stock healthier foods and beverages. Researchers at East Carolina University found that, although there were improvements in store-level supply of healthier foods and beverages within the first year of program implementation among HFSRP stores, the program did not have any impact on dietary behavior of these stores&rsquo; customers.

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Community corner

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has launched the Health Equity Scholars for Action (HES4A) program and is seeking researchers from underrepresented communities interested in health equity research. The HES4A program will also support three aspects of career development: research, mentorship, and connection with a community of support. This funding opportunity will award 15 grants of $250,000 for work to be done over two years. Submit letters of intent by June 16, 2021.

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GIH Annual Conference on Health Philanthropy(virtual)

Grantmakers In Health

June 8&ndash;11, 2012

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World Health Care Congress (virtual)

World Congress

June 8&ndash;10, 2021

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2021 Annual Research Meeting(virtual)


June 14&ndash;17, 2021

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ASHEcon 2021(virtual)

American Society of Health Economists

June 20&ndash;23, 2021, Washington, D.C.

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