
Early voting ends tomorrow. A strong early voting turnout can make all the difference in whether we win on Oct. 12, so we need to finish strong. 

It takes major resources to get out the vote: people on the ground to organize teams of volunteers, canvassers and phone bankers. Ads online and on TV. Wherever we can reach voters, that's where we need to be. In order to do it, we've got to raise $15,000 before early voting ends.

Fortunately, this team knows how high the stakes are right now. A group of donors has agreed to match every donation to maximize turnout before early voting ends. Can you pitch in $5 now and have it go twice as far to hit this goal, get out the vote and win reelection?

I can't thank you enough for your support. In moments like this – as voters head to the polls – it's so important we do everything we can to win. Louisiana's progress depends on it. 

Governor John Bel Edwards