From The NAL Team <>
Subject Resistance Roundup 10/4: You’re Pretty Freakin’ Powerful 💪🏽💪🏿💪🏼
Date October 4, 2019 7:12 PM
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With 2020 just around the corner, #PeopleLikeUs are motivated to vote! And while there’s been a surge in voter registration in many places across the country, Georgia’s registration efforts are 💯!
Thanks to the efforts of groups like Fair Fight, Rock the Vote and others, more than 352,000 Georgians have signed up to vote [[link removed]] in the last 11 months alone; 47% of these new voters are people of color and 45% are age 30 or younger. If we’re going to shake up the status quo moving into 2020 and beyond, we must keep focusing on mobilizing and giving a platform to #PeopleLikeUs and young voters, who are feeling more empowered to use their votes as vehicles for change. Our voices are powerful!

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Between more revelations about Trump’s request for foreign interference in the 2020 election and news that he wanted to shoot migrants’ legs and build a moat with alligators [[link removed]] at the border, it’s been a week full of awful news highlighting the urgent need to change the face of leadership in 2020 and beyond. Sadly, yet another story about the Trump administration's hateful policies has come to light. For the sixth time under this administration, Cambodian refugees in Boston [[link removed]] , California [[link removed]] , and other places across the country will be deported, some due to decades-old legal matters that have been resolved.
Under the Trump administration, the removal of Cambodian refugees has gone up by 200% in the last two years. This—just like Trump’s heinous proposal for so-called "border security"—is cruel. We stand with the Cambodian refugees affected by these deportations and all #PeopleLikeUs currently impacted by our inhumane immigration system.
Bonus #StayWoke read: 9 Latinx Activists You Should Have Learned About In History Class [[link removed]]

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Donald Trump and Stephen Miller are terrorizing migrants and #PeopleLikeUs seeking refuge at the U.S. southern border. But because Trump’s wall plans have been stymied, he’s creating border barriers one way or another: with U.S. troops stationed at the border with weapons in hand, concentration camps to separate families seeking refuge, and discriminatory policies that are designed to keep #PeopleLikeUs from calling this country home.
It’s time for the Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG) to step in and investigate Trump’s deployment of troops to the U.S.-Mexico border. Sign the petition: Demand the Department of Defense Inspector General investigate border militarization [[link removed]] .

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And Updates

Boss Ladies Seattle training photo [[link removed]]
The NAL Team is officially in Texas! We’re hosting our first-ever Ready to Rise training tomorrow in Houston, Texas with over two dozen New Americans ready to shake up politics as usual. We will also be joined by 18 elected officials from across the country in El Paso for a NAL Elected Officials Network trip to the border to see firsthand the impact of Trump’s cruel anti-immigrant policies. Be sure to follow us on Twitter [[link removed]] , Instagram [[link removed]] , and Facebook [[link removed]] for live updates from both the training and our trip to the border.
“We’re on a mission to train campaign leaders, specifically women, young women, women of color, to engage in the political process, whether that is volunteering for a campaign, working on a campaign, or running for office,” said Eva Masadiego, our National Director of Leadership Programs, about our new Boss Ladies national training series with IGNITE.
Our very first Boss Ladies training was this past Saturday in Seattle, and it was a smashing success! (KIRO 7 News was there, too, and did a segment on it [[link removed]] .) If you missed out, don’t worry! There are still trainings [[link removed]] coming up in different places across the country for you to attend!
Last but not least, we’re inching ever closer to our 7 th annual New American Hero Awards [[link removed]] and Power and Policy national conference [[link removed]] on November 14 and 15, respectively. Make sure to get your tickets now—if you purchase your tickets to both events before October 21, you will get a special early bird rate!
👋 Hey there! If you have any feedback about this newsletter and how we can make it better, please leave it in this Google form [[link removed]] . We're always looking to improve!

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Every week, we deliver one key positive story to warm your heart, a negative story to keep you vigilant, and an action you can take to help build a more progressive, representative democracy.

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