ALERT: Senator Tim Scott is the target of a disgusting smear campaign by the liberal media and he needs YOUR help, John! Right before it was announced that Tim Scott would deliver the official GOP rebuttal to President Biden’s address to Congress, the Washington Post published a repugnant FACT-CHECK questioning Tim Scott's family story! You see, John, Tim Scott often speaks of how the American Dream enabled his family to go “from cotton to Congress” in one generation. It was hard work that helped them achieve upward mobility - NOT big government. His story TERRIFIES Democrats who have brainwashed Americans over decades to think that MORE government is the answer. Their liberal media allies are trying to UNDERMINE Senator Scott by casting him as a liar.
If you stand with Tim Scott, I’m asking YOU to chip in $10, $25, even $50 today to help him fight the left’s ongoing attacks! Tim Scott is a proud black conservative who has worked hard for his success. His story refutes the Democrats’ narrative, which is why the left is using the full force of the media to attack and undermine his family's American Dream story. The media will continue to discredit and silence strong conservatives unless we stand up to them. Chip in today to stand with Tim Scott!
Thank you for your support, Thomas NVAF Rapid Response Team