
The Squad (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna, Ilhan, and Rashida) are under attack once again from Trump.

After he made a series of disgustingly vile and disturbingly racist tweets that told these four powerful women of color to go back to their own broken countries, Trump doubled down on his comments and refused to apologize, accusing THEM of racism and hating this country. He couldn’t be more wrong.

It’s no surprise that Republicans have stayed noticeably silent through it all. It’s almost as if by refusing to denounce Trump’s racist comments, they get the benefit of receiving support from their far-right base without the risk of getting called ‘racist’ themselves. It’s worse than spineless. As Ilhan said, “this is the agenda of white nationalists."

House Democrats just introduced a resolution condemning Trump’s xenophobic tweets as hateful and racist. It’s on us to stand with them. Show you support the Squad by donating $5 or more today and receive a FREE “I Support the Squad” sticker.

DFA proudly endorsed AOC, Ilhan, Ayanna, and Rashida from the very beginning for their incredible progressive leadership and willingness to fight for what’s right. They’ve had our backs, now let’s show them we have theirs.

Donate $5 or more right now and receive your “I Support the Squad” bumper sticker today!

In solidarity,


Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America
