Hi there,
Today marks President Biden’s 100th day in office. So I’m going through the results of our Biden Administration First 100 Days Survey.
But unfortunately, I noticed your response is missing.
We need to hear what you think of Biden’s performance so far! Can you complete our quick survey now? →
The results will help us craft an unstoppable strategy to support our Progressive agenda.
So please represent D.C. Progressives and begin your survey:
I need at least [4] more responses from D.C. Progressives to ensure we understand what our members think of Biden’s first 100 days in office.
So I’m counting on you to submit your survey before midnight!
Chris Evans Medicare For All PAC
---Begin Forwarded Message---
From: Medicare For All PAC
To: [email protected]
Subject: Biden's First 100 Days
As an active member in xxxxxx, you’ve been selected to complete our exclusive Biden Administration First 100 Days Focus Group →

The results will help us understand what Progressive voters think about President Biden’s performance and build a strategy to pass bold initiatives during his Administration:
April 30th will mark Joe Biden’s 100th day as President.
Following the disastrous Trump Administration, Biden has worked to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, expand voting rights, and more!
Many Progressives are impressed. But we need to know what you think.
Without [9] more participants from xxxxxx, our data will be invalid and we won’t have enough information to build a strong Progressive strategy.
Please, represent xxxxxx Progressives and complete your Biden Administration First 100 Days Focus Group now →
We look forward to reviewing your input!
-MFA Research Team