Friday, October 4, 2019

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Trump Is Spreading Fear Because He Fears Impeachment

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout

Trump's capacity -- and apparent thirst -- for doing damage has little limit. It is abundantly clear that the threat of impeachment has scared Trump, and he has chosen to be scary in response. Whether the people's elected representatives act to stave off Trump's scariest threats is where the impeachment rubber will meet the removal road.
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Pelosi Wants to Prosecute Snowden But Protect Trump Whistleblower

Norman Solomon, Truthout

Nancy Pelosi was quick to condemn NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden when he revealed the U.S. government's vast surveillance programs in 2013. Now, however, Pelosi is suddenly voicing grave concern for the rights and safety of the whistleblower who filed the complaint that has led to an impeachment inquiry against President Trump. The current deluge of Democratic reverence for whistleblowing shouldn't be taken at face value.
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Trump Energy Secretary Rick Perry Expected to Step Down by Year's End

Shira Tarlo, Salon

Energy Secretary Rick Perry, who has dedicated himself to bolstering President Donald Trump's fossil fuel agenda, is expected to announce his resignation from the administration by December. In recent weeks, his travels to Ukraine have embroiled him in the impeachment inquiry surrounding Trump's political actions there. In addition to leading the U.S. delegation to Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky's inauguration in May, Perry has visited Ukraine multiple times as energy secretary.
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Trump's "Maximum Pressure" Policy in Iran Prevents Real Diplomacy

Gabe Murphy, Truthout

The U.S., Saudi Arabia and Israel are calling on the international community to join their "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran that began after the Trump administration pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal. While it remains unclear whether Iran is responsible for recent attacks on Saudi oil facilities, escalating tensions are proof that maximum pressure does not work, and in fact, could spark further conflict in the region.
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ACLU Is Suing Trump Officials on Behalf of Traumatized Separated Families

Jessica Corbett, Common Dreams

The ACLU filed a federal lawsuit in the Arizona U.S. District Court on Thursday seeking damages on behalf of thousands of traumatized children and parents who were forcibly separated from each other under the Trump administration's illegal family separation policy. The administration separated thousands more families than was previously known, starting almost a year before it publicly announced the policy.
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A Brief Guide to Giuliani's Questionable Friends in Ukraine

Katie Zavadski and Jake Pearson, ProPublica

In the past two weeks, we've heard a lot about efforts by President Donald Trump and his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to push officials in Ukraine to investigate Trump's opponents under the guise of investigating corruption. Giuliani's "anti-corruption" efforts have involved working with men with remarkably questionable histories.
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Trump's Border Wall Endangers Arizona's Wildlife Amid Drought

Erica Cirino, The Revelator

The Trump administration is planning to funnel some of the last remaining ancient groundwater in Arizona toward building a 44-mile section of the border wall. As a result, Arizona wildlife officials are asking the public for millions of dollars in donations to fund the delivery of water to animals in parched areas across the state.
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Lessons From Watergate: "How We Learned to Stop an Out of Control President"

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

President Trump is just the fourth U.S. president to face a formal impeachment inquiry, joining Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. We look back at the Watergate scandal, which led to Nixon's resignation in 1974 under threat of impeachment.
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Job Growth Remains Slow in September

Dean Baker, Center for Economic and Policy Research

Although unemployment is hitting record lows, the economy is now adding fewer jobs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy added 136,000 jobs in September, after adding 168,000 in August. These numbers are considerably lower than the 179,000 average for the last year. Wage growth is also slowing.
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In Case You Missed It

Trump Wants Alligator Moats at the Border Because He's a Medieval Tyrant

Sasha Abramsky, Truthout

Centuries ago, brutal monarchs reigned through murder and terror that stood out for creative cruelty, even by the standards of their day. Today, with his draconian border proposals, Donald Trump is engaging in fantasies of violence that come straight out of medieval archives and mid-20th-century fascist playbooks. This isn't about politics; it's about a race-based, terroristic, totalitarian vision of the United States.
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Why the Mauna Kea Protests Are So Challenging to the Mainstream Climate Movement

Elias König, Truthout

The mainstream climate movement has remained surprisingly silent on the ongoing struggle at Mauna Kea, a sacred site for Native Hawaiians who have opposed the installation of a telescope on its peak. The reason likely is the contradiction between Western science-based environmentalism and Indigenous relationships to nature. Any environmental movement must begin with an acknowledgement of colonialism's link to the climate crisis and a commitment to decolonization.
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