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Friend --
A lot has happened since my last update - especially with the
availability of vaccines for DC residents but on a lot of other fronts
as well. My team and I have put together another update, but with so
much going on, this one is a bit longer than normal. We try to cover
everything from slow and missed mail delivery, to the failures of
Vision Zero on our streets in the face of more traffic violence, to
needed help for rent and utilities through Stay DC, to neighborhood
movies and Literary Hill BookFest. Plus, the District has finally
launched a way for homebound DC residents to receive the vaccine at
home. This is a long update on a lot of topics, so let's jump right
Quick Links: COVID Vaccine Updates |
Rent and Utility Help | Self-Testing | Re-Opening |
SW Clinic| USPS Issues | Eastern Market Plaza | Vision
Zero Failure | Dave Thomas Circle | Bike to Work 2021 | DMV
Enforcement Resumes | FY22 Budget | BookFest | Drive-In
Big COVID-19 & Vaccine Updates
Since I last wrote, there have been big changes in DC's vaccine
rollout. This comes as the focus of our response quickly shifts from a
scarcity of vaccine to making it easy to get your COVID-19 vaccine.
Two major announcements:
First, all DC residents 16 and older are eligible to receive their
COVID-19 vaccination. Residents who are 16 and 17 will need to
schedule their vaccination through Children's Hospital.
Second, beginning Saturday, May 1, all
11 District-run vaccination sites will begin accepting walk-in
patients for first doses only. The last day to pre-register for an
appointment is Wednesday, April 28. The portal will continue to
facilitate vaccinations with the existing list.
Moving forward, it looks like VaccineFinder.org
is the best resource to find all available appointments, searching by
zip code and by vaccine preference.
In Ward 6, the two sites that will be accepting walk-ups are Arena
Stage in Southwest and Rosedale Recreation Center in Northeast. But
don't forget about the Convention Center, which is just on the Ward 6
border in Northwest. Check the hours for each on VaccineFinder.org
before you head over.
On the day of your vaccination, if you have a government-issued ID
and/or proof of insurance, please bring it with you. Neither is
required, but it is helpful to have both. You should not be charged to
receive the vaccine.
Grubb's Pharmacy on Capitol Hill has Vaccine: I received a
note from neighbors flagging that Grubb's Pharmacy, located at 400
East Capitol St., NE, has plenty of supply of Moderna and Johnson
& Johnson (re-approved). Adults 18 and older can make an
appointment by calling 202-543-4400. DC residents ages 16 and 17 are
only approved to take the Pfizer vaccine, which isn't offered at
May 1 Day of Action to Sign Up Residents: As I
alluded to above, the increased supply of vaccines means more and more
DC residents can get vaccinated. But there's going to be a shift from
high demand among eager folks to getting the next wave of residents
vaccinated. As of Monday, DC Health estimates around 237,000 DC
residents have been fully or partially vaccinated. That leaves many
residents who still need to receive a vaccine. There's
a massive citywide volunteer and government effort this Saturday, May
1, to knock on doors and help sign people up or at least give
neighbors the tools needed to make their own appointment.
It is important to remember that the sooner we crush this virus,
the sooner we can resume the daily activities that we all love. In the
coming months, that's going to mean getting more and more people
vaccinated while continuing to mitigate existing cases to stop the
spread of the virus and starve it.
Mobile Vaccinations for Homebound Residents:
Beginning this week, I'm also glad to see the District is
finally offering a way for homebound residents to be vaccinated, a
program my colleagues and I have been asking for. Now residents who
are homebound (at any age 16+) can call 855-363-0333 to request a
scheduled vaccine at home. I can tell you from conversations I had at
our March 26 vaccine clinic in Hill East that accessibility is a huge
issue for many of our seniors who wanted to get vaccinated. I'm glad
this service is being offered. Please share and spread the word in
your community and with any folks who are homebound and could use some
assistance. More
from DCist.
Funeral Funds Available for COVID-19 Loss: While
it is incredibly sad to write this, I am glad there are funds
available specifically to assist families with funeral and burial
expenses related to deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. If you
have lost a loved one due to COVID-19, I
encourage you to check if you qualify for reimbursement for funeral
expenses from FEMA.
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Back in DC: Just a
quick note to flag that following the FDA
and CDC lifting the pause on administering the Johnson & Johnson
vaccine, DC Health has given the green light to once again offer
DC Auditor Report on COVID Response: A new report
from the DC Auditor, which is part of the Council, has found
that many of the mitigation strategies taken by the District of
Columbia saved lives over the past 14 months when compared to what
measures other states did or did not take. I think this is welcome
news to many of us who have made significant sacrifices over the past
year and made a commitment to our neighbors that we would wear masks
and keep some physical distance when around others. DC residents
deserve a lot of credit for the shared sacrifices and efforts
undertaken. I recognize I'm flagging this report after sharing
information on funeral assistance. I think it's important to never
lose sight of the individual and collective trauma our community has
experienced in the past year because of this global pandemic.
Stay DC: Receive Up to One Year in Back Rent and Overdue Utility
This is huge. DC is offering funding to help
qualifying DC renters re-pay up to 12 months of missed or late rental
payments from April 2020 on, and up to three months in advance
payments. My staff was recently able to assist someone who had fallen
behind after losing their job. When our unemployment insurance system
failed to keep up with payments, the overdue rent and utility bills
stacked up. Thankfully, Kimberly on my Constituent Services team was
able to assist in applying for Stay DC funds. This is exactly the kind
of support we need to be providing to residents if we want to come out
of this pandemic stronger. This is a huge opportunity for households
that have struggled during the pandemic. If you know someone behind on
rent, this is a great resource for them: https://stay.dc.gov/
And if it seems overwhelming, my Constituent Services team can help
you navigate the application for yourself, a friend, neighbor, or
family member who lives in DC. Get
in touch with our staff today.
Re-Opening Alerts
Southeast Library: Starting May 3, our Southeast
Neighborhood Library will re-open with limited in-person services,
including picking up holds, checking out display
items, having a book pulled from the stacks,
getting a library card, managing your
library account, receiving print, copy and scan services,
signing up to use a limited number of computers for a
45-minute session once per day or one 15 minute express session per
hour, and using the bathroom. Beginning May 8, the hours
for all libraries will expand to Monday-Saturday, 10 am to 6
Splash Parks and Pools: Splash Parks will open at
normal hours and capacity. Public pools will be able to re-open with
an approved health and safety plan in place, so expect to hear more as
we get closer to summer.
Smithsonian and National Zoo: Good news -- seven
Smithsonian museums and the National Zoo have announced plans to
re-open safely in May, including the National Museum for African
American History and Culture, the National Portrait Museum, the
American History Museum, and the National Zoo. Each
site will release free timed passes for entry.
Self-Test COVID Kits Available at Libraries
I want to emphasize that despite the hopefulness we are all feeling
as vaccines become more common, we are a long way from containing this
virus in a meaningful way. That's why I'm grateful to see self-test
kits being offered at neighborhood libraries. For Ward 6, Shaw Library
is the only location right now, though I have requested that DC add
more sites in Ward 6. I believe two additional sites in Ward 6 will
come online soon, and I'll get the word out as soon as they're up and
running. Testing will continue to be very important until we have
widespread vaccinations and this program makes it easy. Here is all
the information you need to know: https://coronavirus.dc.gov/testyourself
DC Statehood Bill Passes US House, on to the Senate!
For the second time in as many years, a bill that would make the
District of Columbia the 51st state in the union passed the US House
of Representatives. That's a remarkable fact given the District's
history and Congress' grip on our democracy for 200+ years. Prior to
last year, neither chamber of congress had ever advanced legislation
to admit the District of Columbia as the 51st state. Now it has
happened twice in just two years. That's a testament to the ongoing
efforts of so many to organize here and across the United States and
force the issue to the center stage, starting with our warrior on the
Hill, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton. I do not know what will
happen in the Senate. I will say, I think we're going to see the US
Senate have to engage with the fact that 700,000 Americans who pay
taxes, who serve in the military, and who would become the most
diverse state in the US, currently have no voice in their chamber. I
tweeted a few other thoughts after the vote here. So the best I
can offer right now is that I am committed to seeing this through and
working my tail off to see statehood through the Senate. We've never
been this close! Here's
a recap of the day from WTOP.
Unity Health Clinic Returns to Southwest in New Home
It was my pleasure to join a masked ribbon
cutting to celebrate the return of the Unity Health Clinic to
Southwest on the first and lower floors of the Aya, the beautiful
short-term family shelter in Ward 6, and take a tour. This is a
community health clinic that will serve both residents of the Aya as
well as the surrounding neighborhoods. Long a part of the Southwest
neighborhood, this clinic is beloved by many who appreciate being able
to see a nurse or doctor just a short distance from home. I was proud
to welcome back Unity to Southwest!
US Postal Service Delivery Issues
I'm hearing from a lot of neighbors in Northeast and other parts of
Ward 6 who haven't received regular mail delivery in more than two
weeks. This is an issue I'm experiencing as well. Unfortunately,
because USPS is a federal agency, there aren't any quick fixes.
However, we've been working with Congresswoman Holmes Norton's office
on getting improved service. I just want to make sure you know we're
trying to find out what the issues are and get it fixed. This isn't
just a matter of convenience -- people are missing health, financial,
and other critical documents. Read
the letter demanding answers from Congresswoman Holmes Norton to the
Acting Postmaster here.
Eastern Market Metro Plaza Re-Imagining Almost
We're hoping to hold a soft-opening for the new look Eastern Market
Metro Plaza, which has been a massive upgrade to a space that long was
overlooked as folks went to and through it to get to Barracks Row, the
metro, or Eastern Market. But as we get ready to cut the ribbon in the
next month or so, I
dropped over for a quick visit and preview. I hope you can get
over there soon!
Vision Zero is Failing Our Residents
In less than five months, we've had 12 people
killed while using DC streets or sidewalks - half of whom were
pedestrians, including
a 4-year-old, two
residents who had overcome homelessness and were enjoying a weekend
walk at Hains Point, and a
bike rider who advocated for safer streets in his free time. These
are tragic losses -- just as awful as victims of violence or COVID-19.
And just as concerning are the repeated
instances of aggressive
driving, confrontation,
and reckless
behavior from law enforcement that only further emphasize our
streets and sidewalks and bike lanes aren't safe places. Living in the
District of Columbia shouldn't require accepting you and your family
are just generally living in a more dangerous environment, yet I think
just about everyone who has walked or biked in DC has a story of a
close encounter with a driver going too fast or too carelessly.
Over the past three years, I led the Council to pass a sweeping set
of reforms in the interest of creating a safer and more welcoming
built environment - the Vision
Zero Enhancement Omnibus Amendment Act of 2019. Most of the bill
won't go into effect until it is funded in the upcoming
budget. I hope the Mayor will make fully funding my Vision Zero
legislation a priority, and if she doesn't I will work with my
colleagues to get it done. Right now the cost is quite high, and I
plan to work with my colleagues to see if we can re-examine the
estimated cost of the bill by the CFO, which I think is way too
DC is failing to ensure our streets, sidewalks, and public spaces
are safe for all, from people walking, to people biking or riding an
e-scooter, or even driving a car. Ensuring that everyone can get
around safely without having to drive is *required* if we want to
build a city that is welcoming, accessible, and safe for more and more
people. We can build all of the bike lanes (used by a wide range of
people) we want, but if someone doesn't feel safe to even try biking,
or if our buses can't get through the downtown corridor any faster,
these alternatives that offer so much potential for our businesses,
city life, clean air, and public spaces won't be used.
We know that affordable housing is rarely located in the same areas
where walking, biking, and riding public transit are reasonable
alternatives to driving to a job, the grocery store, or a favorite
park. We know former DC residents have moved out of DC to find
affordable housing, being forced into the trade-off to drive more as
part of having a reasonable rent or mortgage. Understanding and
accounting for this has to be part of our approach in the big picture.
Some people have no alternative right now besides driving most places.
And by not providing more residents in not just DC, but the region
with realistic, safe, and affordable alternatives to relying on a car
and all of the associated costs that come with it, we are not going to
solve for this challenge.
That's one reason why I fight so hard to have affordable housing
built in Ward 6, in the areas where we are building safer streets.
It's a major reason why I will re-introduce my Metro For DC
legislation, offering residents an alternative to driving that makes
sense for their pocketbooks. Trust me: I am heartbroken with every new
crash, be it a fatal one or just
a near-miss where we say, "imagine if someone had been walking
there." There are big picture changes I am working toward with my
colleagues, but there's nothing stopping DDOT from showing some
leadership here in making urgent changes to road designs to make
streets safer and slower immediately. I'm
sick of attending memorial rides just to draw attention to a
problem where we have some solutions.
Related: I want to explore the DC
Police Reform Commission's recommendation that traffic enforcement
duties shift away from MPD to DDOT, similar to how parking
enforcement was shifted from MPD to DPW. It's an idea that deserves
more discussion, but I think it's safe to say the real-time
enforcement we have is inconsistent at best and leads to a host of
problems, namely
that more than 70% of traffic stops by MPD involve Black or brown
drivers. I believe there's some potential space for enforcement
that isn't done by a police officer. And in that same vein, advocates
of safe streets need to recognize the threat of severe punishments has
limited effects on changing dangerous driving behavior, but will
exacerbate the already huge racial inequality in justice-system
DDOT Announces Dave Thomas Circle Redesign Meeting
If you live in NoMa or regularly travel through Eckington, you know
how dangerous and inconvenient the massive intersection of New York
Avenue and Florida Avenue, NE is, affectionately known as Dave Thomas
Circle since a Wendy's sits at the center of the madness. DDOT just
announced a meeting to present 65% complete designs to the public and
receive feedback. The
meeting is on May 17 at 6:30 pm, but you can register to attend right
Goal: 20,000 Signed up for Bike to Work Day
As a starting point for building a safer city for all road users, I
encourage you to help get to 20,000 riders for 2021 Bike to Work Day
DC. Friday, May 21, will mark the 20th Bike to Work Day in metro DC!
And in honor of the milestone, there's a goal of getting 20,000
people registered for this year's Bike to Work Day. If we want to
be a city prepared for the future, including being affordable,
accessible, and safe, it means we have to make room on our roads for
all modes of transport. Even if you're working from home and you've
never had a bike commute before, this is a good opportunity to make a
simple plan to go for a morning ride.
DMV and Parking Enforcement Returning June 1
Last week the Mayor set a target date to resume parking enforcement
beginning June 1, which will include requiring vehicles to be updated
on registration, residential parking permits, and vehicle emissions
inspection. After more than a year of suspending these requirements,
and the ongoing shortage of DMV appointments, I am concerned there is
going to be a backlog and a scramble to update services. When the
Council raised these concerns, we were assured the DMV was prepared to
release enough appointments so that everyone who needed in-person
services would be able to get one in time.
Any residents simply renewing existing registrations, RPP, and
inspections can do so online. Remember, if your vehicle is up for an
inspection, you'll pay for that as part of your registration. There
are multiple options for vehicle emissions inspections, including the
inspections station in Southwest or a new self-inspection station in
Van Ness.
Related: As enforcement resumes after more than a year
hiatus, the Mayor also announced a ticket amnesty from June 1 (when
enforcement resumes) through Sept 30, 2021. That means while a DC
resident will need to pay the original fine for parking, speeding,
traffic camera violations, they won't have to pay any late fees. More
here from CBS 9.
DC FY22 Budget Schedule Pushes Into Summer
For everyone interested in testifying on next year's budget for the
District, I wanted to quickly flag for you the schedule has been
delayed this year again in order to be sure we're working with a full
picture. Keep an eye out in future emails for more specific dates once
the Council votes to finalize the schedule next week, but expect in
general hearings will take place in early and mid-June and the Council
will be voting in mid-July and early August. The budget submission
from the Mayor was pushed back in order to allow more time for the
federal government to provide guidance on funds made available through
the American Rescue Plan to cities and states.
Literary Hill BookFest 2021 is May 2
This weekend, an annual favorite of Ward 6 returns virtually with a
great line-up. Passing on this announcement from the organizers:
"The Literary Hill BookFest is an annual celebration of books and
authors held each spring on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Because
of the pandemic, this lively event will move online for the second
year in a row, meaning that you can join us from wherever you are on
Sunday, May 2 to meet some of your favorite authors of fiction,
memoir, poetry, history, children's literature, nonfiction, mystery
and more. Tune in at 11:00 am for a smorgasbord of literary delights,
including timely panel discussions, writing workshops, a poetry open
mic, and even a surprise or two. Featured writers include Louis
Bayard, New York Times contributor and national bestselling
author of Courting Mr. Lincoln; Ariel Sabar, author
of Veritas and winner of the National Book Critics Circle
Award for his debut book My Father's Paradise; Tamara
Copeland, author of Daughters of the Dream: Eight Girls From
Richmond Who Grew Up in the Civil Rights Era; Jennifer Howard,
former columnist for The Washington Post and author
of Clutter: An Untidy History; Lucinda Robb and Rebecca Boggs
Roberts, co-authors of The Suffragist Playbook: Your Guide to
Changing the World; Ethelbert Miller, author of If God
Invented Baseball, and many more. The entire event is free and
open to the public. Visit www.literaryhillbookfest.org for more information,
including how you can contribute to our crowd-sourced poem."
Capitol Riverfront Drive-In Movie Nights
Passing on this family-friendly Friday evening activity: the
Capitol Riverfront BID is hosting drive-in movies for $20 a car. More
information here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/capitol-riverfront-spring-drive-in-movie-series-tickets-150100812571.
Whew... that was a long one. All my best to you and yours and as I
increasingly see folks in the neighborhood, I hope to run into you
soon as well!
Charles Allen
