
Today, President Biden will announce his American Families Plan—a $1.8 trillion investment in education, child care, and paid family leave.

Here are the main components of the plan:

  • Assistance for families struggling to afford child care
  • Two years of free community college
  • Enhancing Pell Grants
  • 12 weeks of guaranteed paid parental and family leave
  • A $200 billion investment in universal preschool
  • Scholarships to recruit and train more teachers
  • Nutrition assistance for children
  • Extending or making permanent many of the tax credits passed during the pandemic

The American Families Plan, along with the nearly $2 trillion infrastructure plan President Biden already laid out, is exactly what he said he would do on the campaign trail. We agree that these investments in our future will pay enormous dividends and will put America back on track.

Sign our petition today in support of President Biden’s ambitious American Families Plan.


Serve America