Dear Friends,
"The Report," a political drama on the CIA's failed torture program and its efforts to cover it up, will be available to stream on November 29. NRCAT is currently recruiting people of faith, students and others to host a public or private showing of the film, however large or small, this December or into next year. Please sign up today to show the film: [link removed]
Watch the trailer for "The Report":
You can read more about the film, how to screen it, and the role the faith community played in putting a stop to CIA torture at
President Trump has publicly said he wants to restart the torture program "even if it doesn't work" because he believes "they" deserve it. "The Report" shows exactly why he's wrong. This film is an accurate depiction of an important episode of recent U.S. history that still haunts us as long as the Guantanamo prison remains open and our President continues to appoint torture advocates to the highest positions in government. This is why people need to be talking about this film, and why we are asking you to help.
Please sign up to show this film, and thank you for your good work.
Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director
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