From don’t ignore us (mfa) <[email protected]>
Subject Elizabeth Warren... Bernie Sanders... Stacey Abrams
Date April 28, 2021 5:08 PM
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Progressives like Bernie Sanders are DEMANDING Congress pass H.R. 1, the For the People Act ↙↙↙

Bernie Sanders: The Senate must move quickly to take it up and pass it

300% MATCH ACTIVE: Represent D.C. Progressives and chip in to pass H.R. 1 ➡︎ [link removed]

He's right! If H.R. 1 isn't signed into law now, it could be a DISASTER for Progressives.

We'll lose the House. We'll lose the Senate. And we'll lose all hope of passing our Progressive agenda.

So we're begging everyone who's reading this email to chip in now to pass H.R. 1. Can you take action now? →

300% MATCH $5 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $25 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH ANOTHER AMOUNT ➡︎ [link removed]

Pass H.R. 1

H.R. 1 would make all of our dreams come true:

Automatic Voter Registration. The end of Republican Gerrymandering. A ban on Dark Money in our elections.

The list goes on and on. H.R. 1 is truly incredible!

But powerful Republicans like Mitch McConnell will do anything to destroy this bill. So we need all hands on deck.

Our urgent End of Month Deadline is 72 hours away, so don't wait one second. Just chip in $5 (worth 300% more) to pass H.R. 1 →

300% MATCH $5 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $25 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $50 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $100 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $250 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH ANOTHER AMOUNT ➡︎ [link removed]

Go! Go! Go!

-Team MFA

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From all of us at Medicare For All, we thank you for all your support!

Paid for by Medicare For All. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. [link removed]

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