Maybe it’s the fact that as more and more Americans get vaccinated, we’re understandably focusing on, and planning for, getting back to our lives.*
Or maybe it’s the election — and the attempt to overturn it by Donald Trump and his adherents within the Republican Party, including the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol — receding into memory.
Or maybe it’s a sense of trust in an administration that is advancing some progressive priorities.
Or maybe it’s simply a desire for a break from the intensity of the news — from the ongoing COVID emergency to right-wing attacks on voting rights to law enforcement’s seemingly unending terror campaign against people of color.
Whatever it is, online donations to Public Citizen have slowed down considerably this month.
I know that Public Citizen’s fundraising is hardly the most important thing any of us has to worry about right now.
But we do need a baseline level of financial resources to avoid having to scale back on the critical work we do together.
And a Public Citizen supporter in Virginia named Michael just offered to match any donation — dollar-for-dollar, up to $25,000 — that comes in before midnight this Friday, April 30.
If you can, please contribute before this unexpected dollar-for-dollar match expires.
Or even join our popular Sustainers program as a monthly donor (if you haven’t already) and your contribution will be matched dollar-for-dollar every month for an entire year!
Donate now.
Thank you for anything you can chip in.
And thank you for everything you do as part of Public Citizen.
For progress,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
*It must be said, though, that if we don’t work together to make sure the whole world gets vaccinated, not only will millions die, but deadlier strains of the coronavirus — maybe even vaccine-resistant mutations — will make their way to this country and the pandemic will come roaring back here.
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