
Tonight, President Biden will address Congress and urge them to pass life-saving legislation on gun violence and tomorrow, we will hear from gun violence prevention champions – including Vice President Kamala Harris – as they inspire us to continue this vital work against America's gun violence epidemic.

That’s why I want to personally invite you to our first-ever virtual Brady Action Awards TOMORROW from 7:00 - 9:00 PM EST.

We have worked for decades to arrive at this consequential moment: We have a gun safety majority in Congress and the White House and stand on the precipice of massive change. While we still have a fight ahead of us, it is important to appreciate how far we have come and remember the impact that we have made thus far. Please join me, Steve Kerr, Stacey Abrams, Vice President Kamala Harris, and so many other gun violence prevention champions as we recommit ourselves to this life-saving fight. 

See you on tomorrow!

Kris Brown

Brady President

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From: Team Brady
Date: Sun, Apr 25, 2021
Subject: Your Exclusive Invite!