Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility



Hi Friend,

Thirty years ago, America’s leading distillers came together around a bold mission: eliminate underage drinking, eliminate drunk driving and work with others to end all impaired driving, and empower adults who choose to drink to make a lifetime of responsible alcohol choices as part of a balanced lifestyle.

Through powerful partnerships with dedicated advocates like you, we’ve delivered progress. Since 1991, drunk driving fatalities are down 36%, the number of teens consuming alcohol is down from 80% to 44%, and youth binge drinking has been cut in half.

But success isn’t just percentages — it’s more parents getting home safe after a night out, more teenagers making smart choices and saying NO to underage drinking, and more loved ones understanding their limits and never exceeding them. So much of this progress is thanks to the laws we’ve improved, the educational programs we’ve launched, and the tools we’ve created…together.

For 30 years of smiles and hugs and safe arrivals, we want to simply say thank you to our partners — to you. Thank you for your support, your collaboration, your devotion, and your tireless efforts working toward a more responsible future for us all.

But, as you know, our work is not done yet. The challenges are getting more complex as cannabis is legalized more widely, as kids head back to school after learning and living virtually, and as we emerge from a pandemic that has upended our lives.

So, it’s time to recommit ourselves to the mission and build on our collective success — for the next 30 years.

You have our sincere gratitude for your continued leadership, commitment, and action — and we look forward to continuing our work alongside you to define the future of alcohol responsibility, together.

Thank you,

Your Team leads the fight to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking and promotes responsible decision-making regarding beverage alcohol.

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