Creating Champions In Congress:
Workshop With Sam Daley-Harris
Join Sam Daley-Harris for a special workshop on
Wednesday, May 12 at 8 - 9 pm ET, on Zoom
Have you ever thought, "My member of Congress is opposed to our bill, what can I do?" or "My member of Congress is already a cosponsor, what more can I do?" This workshop is for you!
Sam Daley-Harris will energize us with his highly interactive workshop on moving our members of Congress up the Champion Scale from opposed, to neutral, to supporter, to advocate, to leader and eventually to champion. Join us for insights galore!
Sam founded the anti-poverty lobby RESULTS in 1980, co-founded the Microcredit Summit Campaign in 1995 with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus and FINCA Founder John Hatch, and founded Civic Courage in 2012. He inspired the creation of CCL and served as a coach to CCL for our first 7 years.
Email your Regional Coordinator with questions:
Southeast (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, , North Carolina, South Carolina) Solemi Hernandez [email protected]
Mid-Atlantic (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Washington, DC) Sabrina Fu [email protected]
Northeast (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont) Iona Lutey [email protected]