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Workers Memorial Day: The fight for job safety continues
Mark Your Calendar: May Day!
Today's Labor History
Today's Labor Quote
Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!
TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for complete and latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
AFL-CIO Week of Action on the PRO Act: Apr 26 - May 1, 2021
This is the national AFL-CIO's week of action on the PRO Act. Please call Senator Warner at 202-224-2023 or 703-442-0670 and ask him to co-sponsor the bill.
Film: HAYMARKET: The Bomb, The Anarchists, The Labor Struggle: Apr 28 - May 2, 2021
[link removed] Click here to register for the May 1 8p ET discussion (see below) and [link removed] click here for free registration for the film; you'll be able to watch the film at your convenience (available beginning at 12noon Weds April 28).
Constructing a New Social Compact: A Public Forum on Empowering the Post-Pandemic Working Class: Apr 28 - May 1, 2021
[link removed] Register for free.
Solidarity Center Worker Memorial Day Event: Addressing Gender-Based Violence and Sexual Harassment of Women Workers in the South African Mining Industry within the African Human Rights System: Wed, April 28, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
[link removed] FREE; Register here
Workers' Memorial Day Mass (Catholic Labor Network): Wed, April 28, 2pm - 3pm
[link removed] CLICK HERE to register
Workers' Memorial Day Mass: Wed, April 28, 5pm - 6pm: 1600 St Camillus Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20903, USA ([link removed] map)
IBEW Local 26, The Building Trades, St. Camillus Catholic Parish and its pastor Father Brian Jordan, OFM invite you to participate in a Workers Memorial Day Mass on Wednesday April 28 at 5 pm. You may participate in person at St. Camillus Church, 1600 St. Camillus Drive in Silver Spring, Maryland 20903 or view [link removed] livestream here.
Alexandria Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, April 28, 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Meeting of union members and community allies in Alexandria.
Contact mailto:
[email protected] [email protected] for the link.
Workers Memorial Day: The fight for job safety continues
Fifty years ago on April 28, the Occupational Safety and Health Act went into effect, promising every worker the right to a safe job. The labor movement observes this date each year as Workers Memorial Day, to remember those who have suffered and died on the job, and to renew the fight for safe jobs; see the multiple calendar listings above for details on events being held, including: Solidarity Center Worker Memorial Day Event (12:00pm); Workers' Memorial Day Mass (Catholic Labor Network) (2pm); Workers' Memorial Day Mass (5pm); Virtual Workers Memorial Day Program (Jewish Labor Committee) (4pm Thurs).
The OSHA law was won because of the tireless efforts of the labor movement, which organized for safer working conditions and demanded government action. This year that battle includes mobilizing to pass the PRO Act, so workers have a voice on the job. The labor movement stands united to strengthen workers' rights and protections, and demands the resources and actions needed for job safety enforcement.
Mark Your Calendar: May Day!
There are currently four events planned for May Day this Saturday (click here [link removed] for complete details): May Day Immigrant Justice March (11am); PRO Act Rally: Tell Senator Warner to Support the PRO Act (11:30am); March on May Day (3pm); Film discussion: HAYMARKET: The Bomb, The Anarchists, The Labor Struggle (8pm). If you know of any other May Day-related events, please let us know by emailing mailto:
[email protected] [email protected]
Today's Labor Quote: We Just Come To Work Here
You know, Mary Harris Jones was a tough organizer and her words still inspire me today
And if she took a look at our working conditions well I think I know what she would say
If you're talking about a Workers Memorial Day, mourn the dead while they're ringin' the bell
Because remember Mother Jones when it comes to the living and you know we gotta fight like hell!
Anne Feeney's version of Harry Stamper's song.
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Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: Mourn for the dead, fight like hell for the living! Last week's show:[link removed] Ludlow: My name is Louis Tikas.
Coal mine collapses at Eccles, W.Va., killing 181 workers - 1914
119 die in Benwood, W.Va. coal mine disaster - 1924
- David Prosten
Hiring Hall: Plus dozens more DC-area union jobs; [link removed] click here!
[link removed] Executive Director - Community Services Agency, Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 4/13/2021)
[link removed] National Press Secretary for Civil, Human & Women's Rights - Communications, AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 4/27/2021)
[link removed] Assistant to Judicial Panel Chairperson - Judicial Panel, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 4/26/2021)
[link removed] Controller, TCU (Transportation Communications National Union/IAM), based in Rockville, MD (Posted: 4/27/2021)
[link removed] Lead Organizer, AFSCME (Maryland Council 3), based in Maryland (Posted: 4/27/2021)
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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