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Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

Never Be Forced into a Face Mask, a Vaccine, a Covid Test, or Any Other Public Health Mandate: How To Do That and Why

Allan Stevo

Farewell to Doodles

Steve Berger

If Isaac Newton Can Be Cancelled, No On Is Safe

Frank Furedi

Why I Won’t Be Getting the Vaccine

Christian Elliot

The Ghetto’s on Fire

David Cole

Don’t Look Now

James Howard Kunstler

The Pandemic on Television

Jon Rappoport


Herbert Spencer

The Global Deep State: A New World Order Brought to You by Covid-19

John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

The Terrorist Haven Fallacy on Afghanistan

Jacob G. Hornberger

The Present Libertarian Priority

Laurence M. Vance

The DC Statehood Power Grab

Patrick J. Buchanan

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