No images? Click here Tell Senators to Oppose Red Flag Gun ConfiscationTake the next step in the No Compromise mission and upgrade your GOA membership today! Tell Senators to Support Self-Defense InsteadDear John, Gun confiscation is now on the table in the U.S. Senate. Under the “leadership” of anti-gun Senator and Committee Chair Senator Blumenthal, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution is hosting a hearing on Wednesday at 2:30pm that will discuss “Red Flag” gun confiscation orders. The hearing is entitled: Stop Gun Violence: Extreme Risk Order / “Red Flag” Laws. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) Of course, if Senator Blumenthal had read the entire Constitution, he might have learned that “red flag” Gun Confiscation Orders violate not only your Second Amendment-protected rights, but also your Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendment-protected rights, as well! Unfortunately, Senators—caught up in Swamp politics—rarely hear this No Compromise position or read the Constitution for themselves. Some Republicans, however, have dipped their toes in the waters of gun control, hoping to find a so-called “constitutional” version of gun confiscation. One example would be Republican Senator Marco Rubio’s red flag bill (S. 292), which has been cosponsored by Republican Tim Scott of South Carolina. Thankfully, there are offices which are realizing that the fundamental principle of a “Red Flag” GCO is to take people’s firearms away with no due process whatsoever. So we need you to keep reminding them—and especially the Republicans and the “swing” Democrats (like Manchin of West Virginia, Sinema of Arizona and Tester of Montana). I’m sure you understand the makeup of the Senate well-enough to understand that if anti-gun Democrats can’t find ten Republicans to support their gun confiscation scheme, then they fall short of passing gun control. That’s right. Schumer and his fellow Democrats need ten Republicans to support their gun confiscation scheme in order to shut down a filibuster threat. Again, that’s why I need you to contact all the Republican Senators, along with a few “swing” Democrats. Tell them that no gun owner in their right mind would see “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders as a good faith or bipartisan idea. And tell them how researchers have found that GCOs are ineffective at reducing crime, murders, suicides, or the number of people killed in mass public shootings. In liberty, Aidan Johnston P.S. Please distribute this alert to your pro-gun family and friends and urge them to take action. To renew your GOA membership or to join for the first time, please click here. |