
The Texas Legislature has a little more than a month left before the final gavel falls on the regular session and there are lots of things happening in this final stretch.

Starting today, we’ll send a periodic preview email near the start of each week with some actions you can take, in person or online, to make your voice heard at the Capitol. We’ll break down the actions by issue area and send you to a trusted partner if we don’t have our own action.

Let’s get started!

LGBTQ Equality

Join us and Equality Texas for a socially-distanced rally at the Capitol tomorrow, April 28 @ 6 CDT

Stop Anti-Trans Bills - call Speaker Phelan

Stop Anti-Trans Bills - call Rep. Dustin Burrows


Reproductive Rights

Stop Anti-Abortion Bills - call Speaker Phelan

Stop Anti-Abortion Bills - call Rep. Dustin Burrows


Voting Rights

Stop Voter Suppression Bills - call Speaker Phelan

Stop Voter Suppression Bills - call Rep. Dustin Burrows


Thank you for being a fighter for a better, more progressive Texas. Stay tuned next week for more actions.

In the fight,

Jules Mandel
TFN Outreach & Advocacy Strategist

Our Rapid Response Fund enables us to mobilize against bad bills at the Capitol. Please consider making a gift today to help us continue to defend democracy and protect our shared progressive values.


Donate Today!

TFN is a statewide non-partisan, grassroots organization that is building an informed and effective movement working toward equality and social justice.

Texas Freedom Network
P.O. Box 1624
Austin, TX 78767
United States
Phone: (512) 322-0545
