Folks, new Census numbers just came out. Blue states are losing House seats.
That means the Frontline Democrats representing these states will have to navigate new districts and reach out to new voters who have never had them on their ballot before.
These Democrats were already vulnerable -- now national Republicans will spend millions to leverage these new maps to their advantage. Chip in $25 to help defend our battleground districts and keep the House blue!
Out of our 32 Frontline Democrats, TEN of them represent states losing a House seat.
That means our House Heroes like Katie Porter and Lauren Underwood will be facing once-in-a-decade challenges from redistricting. We can’t leave them hanging.
Republicans only need to gain 5 House seats to flip the whole House red. These maps could work in their favor -- unless we mobilize and invest early to give our Frontline Democrats the resources they need to win these battlegrounds. Chip in now!
-- Hold the House